Yorktown Police Facebook page Temporarily Disabled…Why?

Yorktown Police Officer Joyce “Pags” Pagliuca at recent Grange Fair truck show, from the YPD Facebook page

Yorktown Police officials got an unpleasant surprise on July 7 when they discovered that their Facebook page was disabled for almost 24 hours. The disruption of service came to the department’s attention when the police received a message from Facebook that the page was unpublished. On Thursday morning, Facebook restored the department’s with no explanation for the temporary outage.

“We were given the option to request a review and we did. No specific reason was provided, and we have no idea why this happened,” said Police Chief Robert Noble.

On Wednesday, the Town Board sent a letter to Facebook asking that the police’s Facebook page be restored.“The suspension of this account without any notice or explanation has hampered the police department’s ability to communicate with our residents and this comes on the heels of a severe storm that left thousands of people without power last night into this morning,” stated the Town Board’s letter. “On behalf of our residents we demand the account be restored immediately.”

Once the YPD’s account was restored, they joked about it on their page, with a reference from the movie Animal House

“For reasons unbeknownst to us, the Yorktown Police Department Facebook Page was unpublished roughly 24 hours ago. After a requested review, we have triumphantly returned. We might be on double secret probation, but our page should be available if you’re so inclined to view. For the conspiracy theorists, gasoline on the fire or just friendly curious minds out there, our time spent in the unpublished zone is a mystery to us. For those who took up our cause, thank you! Let’s have a safe Thursday out there. We’re keeping an eye on Elsa and also reminding yooz to lock those unattended vehicles. Thus far, looks like a soaker overnight. Anything changes that is of serious concern, we’ll publish. Remain calm……all is well ; )”

While we have seen a few of our friends have their accounts suspsended temporarily, or longer, we wonder who it was who made the decision to suspend the YPD account, and stories and photos like the one above. We can verify that it is truly an officer with the Yorktown Police Department, and not a foreign Bot account.