By Ron Matten
Journalists and reporters as a subcategory are vital in a free society. They provide the populace with important information, which allow us to make personal, professional, and political decisions for ourselves and our communities. One cannot just declare themselves to be a journalist. Journalists are trained and subscribes to a code of ethics:
- Seek and report the truth
- Minimize harm
- Act independently
- Be accountable and transparent
With the advent of YouTube and social media, Yonkers has seen the rise of a new class of “self-declared journalists,” more aptly defined as the bully bloggers. There are three prominent bully bloggers who have created a toxic environment over the last few years. I will refer to them as BBA, BBB, and BBC. The names are unimportant, this work is more about principles and dignity.
According to his YouTube channel, BBA has been on the scene since 2013. He has developed a following by chasing down local accidents and other tragedies mostly on the westside of Yonkers. He interviews political candidates and covers some public events. He often finds divisive topics and loves to post about former President Donald Trump. I think it’s a bromance. He uses Facebook and Instagram to house his “platform.”
According to LinkedIn, BBB claims be the founder of a multinational “news service since 2006.” His early work seems to mimic the Drudge Report and is more of a news aggregator. At some point, he decided to utilize Facebook for his platform and now spends his time behind the keyboard hurling insults.
BBC is a “Johnny come lately.” He created a political commentary YouTube/Facebook podcast during the 2021 Yonkers’ election. When his favorite candidate lost the primary, BBC moved into the bully blogosphere. His preferred poison is dishing on the alleged bedroom indiscretions of elected officials and their campaign operatives. He provides no proof of his public utterances. He has admitted to using his podcasts as a form of coercion, because he could not get proper building permits. Perhaps, hiring the correct consultants would have streamlined the process. The most enjoyable part of his show is watching him try to pronounce a three-syllable word.
Back in 2017, BBA and BBB were at war. They were protesting each other, waging allegations of pedophilic behavior. Somehow, they managed to figure out that they can work together to bully others and make a profit while doing it. Now BBC has joined the fray, seeking mutual and total annihilation.
The three stooges of fake journalism, build stories out of innuendo, rumors, and half-truths. They weave elaborate nonsensical conspiracy theories that do nothing to inform the citizenry. If you post or express a dissenting view, you become a target of their bully blogs. They do not foster public discussion but stifle it.
In an earlier column, I blamed the Yonkers City Council Majority Leader for inciting the gallery at a council meeting. These masters of misinformation laid the foundation with their false and misleading blogs. They are NOT journalists, but menaces.
BBA asked me to advertise on his platform for the low introductory price of $1,000 for three months. I declined. Seeing no shared profit, BBB began attacking me on his platform. This amounts to nothing more than extortion.
In another instance, BBA accepted twice his usual ransom to keep a candidate’s political opponent off his platform. Although the “Equal Time Rule” applies to television and terrestrial radio, the actions of BBA, BBB, and BBC violate the spirit of the rule and hinder the elective process.
These bully bloggers cannot be considered viable news sources. They have no training, editors, and face no consequences for misrepresenting facts. Their innuendos and rumors create a harmful environment and have created a less tolerant Yonkers.
Ron Matten was the republican candidate for Yonkers City Council President in 2021.