Mr. Clifford Jackson has grossly distorted God’s Word with his marxist liberation theology. Jesus Christ DID NOT hang out with prostitutes. No record in the Word of God that says this.
People have imposed this false idea to justify their sin instead of repenting and doing what is right . (And homosexuality is a grave sin, a form of idolatry.) Jesus Christ hung around with disciples–disciplined believers and reached out to those who wanted to believe. In John 8 there is one incident in which the self-righteous hierarchy, who wanted to play gotcha, interrupted Jesus Christ’s teaching of God’s Word to accuse a woman of adultery.
Think about that. Here is the only begotten son of God, the Messiah they claim to be waiting for. He’s teaching God’s Word —and they disrupt his teaching. They did not want the answer of God’s Word or they would have shut up, sat down and listened at his feet. They disrespected God when they interrupted the teaching of His Word by His only begotten son and threw this woman down at Jesus’ feet.
Basic respect for God’s Word would have compelled them to at least wait until he finished teaching. But they had no true love for the true God—or they would have honored His son, not schemed to kill him. What did they want? John 8:6. This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. They wanted to accuse and destroy. (Sounds very familiar to what’s going on today.)
Think and ask questions. They said they caught her in the very act. How did this crowd just happen to be present when this woman was supposedly committing adultery? Did they show that they cared about the woman’s life or repentance?
In their devilish arrogance, they thought that had an excuse to charge the son of God however he answered. They have proven they neither love God nor want to minister to this woman. .
What did Jesus Christ say to the woman? What he didn’t say was, let’s celebrate your sin of adultery, let’s make flags and have a month for it and teach little kids how to do likewise.
No, he told her: “go and sin no more.” Forgiveness is contingent upon repentance–repentance is changing your ways to God’s ways.
Mr. Jackson is in sync with the accusers, in his arrogance, and ignorance of God’s Word and willful disobedience to and distortion of it. If he wants to speak about Jesus Christ, he needs more accurate study of God’s Word.
By the way, GOD is not a respecter of persons. Those who repent, confess Jesus Christ as Lord and believe that God raised him from the dead get the same salvation and spiritual enablements regarless of their background.
Anyone who truly wants a better understanding of God’s Word may contact me through Mr. Murphy.
Judith N., Yonkers
Editor’s Note: The letter that is referenced in this letter can be found at https://yonkerstimes.com/the-lgbtq-community-cardinal-dolan-and-the-catholic-church/