The grassroots activist group Indivisible Westchester is supporting Julie Goldberg in the Sept. 13 Democratic primary for State Senate. Goldberg is challenging former Independent Democratic Caucus member David Carlucci in the 38th District, which encompasses most of Rockland County and parts of Westchester County.
Goldberg, a librarian, former teacher and a mother of two from Chestnut Ridge, has been dubbed the “True Democrat” in the race. Her opponent, Carlucci, was a member of the eight-person IDC that caucused with Republicans to prevent Democratic control in the State Senate for seven years. Carlucci and the IDC enabled Republicans to block legislation on gun safety, reproductive rights, election reform and other measures.
“For years, I have watched his duplicity go unchallenged,” said Goldberg. “I couldn’t stay on the sidelines any longer.”
Despite being a three-term incumbent, Carlucci failed to win party backing at the Rockland Democratic Convention, which did not nominate in the contest.
Members of the IDC say they have dissolved the group and claim they will now caucus with the Democratic Party. But, years of sacrificing Democratic ideals for the sake of power has soured progressives on the IDC. Indivisible Westchester Co-Founder Shannon Powell said: “By allowing Republicans to tie up key bills, members of the IDC have not served their constituents well and do not deserve re-election.”
Goldberg said she is passionately committed to education and will seek equal distribution of aid to the neediest schools. She said she believes in universal health care, campaign finance reform and other progressive causes. Indivisible Westchester strongly urges her election in the primary on Sept. 13 and the general election Nov. 6.