The newly

refurbished Science Barge will open to the public Saturday, May 12, with more than the usual fanfare. This season opening will be a larger-than-life occasion, celebrating 10 years since the Science Barge came to Yonkers’ waterfront.
Festivities will begin at noon, including live music from The Greenheart, food trucks, live animals from the Greenburgh Nature Center, a storyteller, science experiments, planting and crafts, and crab catching.
The afternoon will feature special recognition of those who have made a major contribution to the innovative educational programming and energy systems on the Science Barge, including the City of Yonkers. Mayor Mike Spano will be on hand to cut the ribbon at 1 p.m.
Tours of the energy systems and hydroponic greenhouse will take place every 30 minutes after the ribbon cutting until 4 p.m. Visitors will also be able to learn about the effects of climate change at seven new exhibits aboard the Science Barge – part of a cutting-edge education initiative from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, in partnership with Columbia University and the Center for the Urban River at Beczak.
The Science Barge 10th Anniversary Celebration is sponsored by Ask Applications, Yonkers Tennis Center, Robison Oil, alpha En, and The Westchester Bank.
The Science Barge is open to the public on weekends from noon to 6 p.m. through November, offering children’s activities and tours of the energy and growing systems. Art and Science Sundays for children offer planting and science activities, crafts, crabbing and more from 2 to 4 p.m. July to November. Also, the Barge will once again host its Science at Sunset lecture series on Thursdays from June 21 through July 26.
The Science Barge is located at 99 Dock St., Yonkers. For more information, call 914-375-2151 or visit