Susan Siegel
July 23rd Special Election
The Yorktown Democratic Committee (YDC) voted at their nominating meeting on Thursday, May 23rd to unanimously endorse Susan Siegel for the Special Election for Councilmember to be held on Tuesday, July 23rd.
A 54 year Yorktown resident, Susan has been involved in town government in various capacities: As president of the Yorktown League of Women Voters, newspaper reporter, town supervisor (2010-2011), councilwoman (2015). From 2008-2021 Susan hosted the Citizens for an informed Yorktown website, ciyinfo.org, which posted summaries of Town Board and Planning Board meetings, and she has been as a long time community advocate on a host of issues. For the past several months, she has authored a guest column in the Yorktown News focused on town issues. And most recently she returned to providing meeting summaries of Town Board and Planning Board meetings on a blog format, yorktownbettergovernmentorg.wordpress.com.
While following town government issues, Susan raised three children who graduated from Yorktown schools, earned a Master’s degree in Public Administration from Pace University and started two small businesses: a communications consulting firm in 1984 and in 1992 a niche book publishing business. In 2014, she helped found the Yorktown Trail Town Committee and is currently its president.
Susan Siegel said: “I’m privileged to have been selected by the Yorktown Democratic Committee to be its candidate in the July 23rd Special Election to fill the vacant council seat on the Town Board. I’m ready to meet the voters, debate my opponent, and I’ll be ready to start work on Day One if you honor me with your support and vote for me.”
YDC Co-Chair Mark A. Lieberman said: “Susan has previously served on the Yorktown Town Board as a Councilmember and as a Supervisor making her the most qualified candidate for office in years. For those of you that attend Board meetings, or read Susan’s column in Yorktown News, or follow her Blog on the most important issues facing our town it is clear that she, by far, is the most knowledgeable and experienced candidate. Susan will bring intelligence and transparency to our town. She will make critical town decisions public once again.”
YDC Co-Chair Marni Rabin-Marron said: “Susan is ever present at town board meetings. She has the experience and acumen to decipher issues in such a way that helps town residents get clarity on how town council decisions affect the daily living expenses and quality of life for all of Yorktown families. Ms. Siegel, a former Yorktown Town Supervisor and councilperson, understands the importance of keeping our Town Board accountable. Her extensive experience and prudent judgment will bring much-needed balance to our Town Board. She is supremely qualified to sit on the Town Board as our next Councilperson.”
We have taken a page out of the new Supervisor’s playbook that municipal experience counts. The Yorktown Democrats are proud to be running the most experienced candidate in this Special Election. The candidate with real municipal experience!
Yorktown Democrats encourage all residents to register to vote and to turn out for the Special Election. To learn more about registering to vote, requesting absentee ballots, and more, please visit our website: https://yorktowndemocrats.com.
The vacancy on the Town Board occured when Ed Lachterman was elected Supervisor last month. Yorktown republicans have nominated Donna Diana, the widow of former Supervisor Tom Diana, to fill the vacant council seat.