Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano, pictured with Westchester County Executive Ken Jenkins
By Dan Murphy
Former Lt. Governor Antonio Delgado’s decision not to seek reelection next year and break from the administration of Governor Kathy Hochul has fueled speculation about who will succeed him. Politico’s Playbook for Feb. 25, included the following:
“And yet, Playbook’s phone lit up with speculation (and some pitches) for who could replace Delgado, a former swing seat House member, on the statewide ticket. After all, this is a job that puts you a heartbeat or scandal away from being governor of New York — as Hochul herself can attest.
“One very early bit of speculation was Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano, a Democrat who presides over the state’s third-largest city, could be a potential fit, according to a person familiar with internal party discussions. Spano would provide geographic balance for Hochul — though another white moderate may be a tough sell for the ticket.”
Mayor Mike Spano’s successes in Yonkers, including becoming the first Mayor to win four four-year terms, and his overall achievements in presiding over the city’s progress over the past two decades, and his ability to manage a City that some believe was unmanageable, have fueled speculation about his political future.
Spano has more than two years remaining on his fourth, and what most believe will be his final term, as Mayor of New York’s Third-Largest City. So while there is time for Spano to plan his next move, Delgado’s departure has sped up the calendar on who his replacement will be.
One of Mayor Spano’s biggest achievements in Yonkers has been the $500 million investment from the filmmaking industry, specifically Lionsgate Studios, which has resulted in the moniker for Yonkers, “Hollywood on the Hudson.”
Under Spano’s watch, crime is under control, property tax increases have largely been kept under the tax cap, and the political drama that for years portrayed the city in a negative light has disappeared over the past 14 years.
When asked for a comment, Mayor Spano said, “I am often asked about the secret to Yonkers’ success story: we are the fastest growing city outside of New York City, our schools are leading the State, we provide quality, equitable housing and remain one of the safest cities of our size in the nation. We certainly have a message that can be taken statewide and I would be honored to be considered.”
Yonkers Democratic Chair Tom Meier said, “Mayor Spano has done tremendous things in Yonkers. He has helped create jobs, reduce unemployment and improve the city’s bond rating, all during a time when the other big cities in New York were going in the other direction. He has done all the things a big city mayor needs to do, and someone in state government needs to do. He has checked all of the boxes, and he is a former state legislator.”
But does Mayor Spano want to leave his job? “He is laser focused and loves his job and that is why he agreed to serve four terms. But I also think the people of the state of New York would be well served to have a leader like Mike Spano,” said Meier.
The Politico story states, “though another white moderate may be a tough sell for the ticket.” And we spoke to several democrats in Westchester who mentioned that, and the fact that Hochul might be more inclined to pick someone from New York City as her next Lt. Governor.
“Governor Hochul has real problems with her upcoming reelection, and will have challengers from within the democratic party. She has many agency heads that she can turn to who are qualified and people of color. The Governor needs someone who can help pull core democratic voters out for her. Picking a white male who is not from New York City doesn’t seem like the answer to me,” said one Westchester democrat.
Mayor Spano’s poltiical strength comes from Yonkers, and the fact that he has been elected and reelected four times citywide, fuels speculation about his next move.
All of those we spoke to about the Mayor’s future respected that fact. “Usually, once you are in office for 8 years, the voters have had enough. Mayor Spano made it to 12 years and was reelected again. That’s unheard of in politics today,” said another Westchester Democrat.
One of the Mayor’s closest advisors said, “I’m sure he (Mayor Spano) is flattered by the consideration, but he truly loves being Mayor of Yonkers. It’s all up to the Governor, and if she makes the call to him, he will consider it. But he has other options. There will certainly be other Democrats announcing for Governor soon.”
Congressman Richie Torres is one democrat whose name is frequently mentioned as a possible primary challenger to Hochul next year.
Hochul attended a fund raiser in Yonkers at the home of former State Senator Nick Spano last year.
After Delgado’s announcement, Hochul’s office issued the following statement. “Today, Antonio Delgado finally said out loud what has been obvious for quite some time: he is simply not interested in doing the job of the Lieutenant Governor of the State of New York. Governor Hochul had already begun taking steps to identify a new running mate for 2026. We will also be reallocating responsibilities within the administration to ensure that important initiatives that had been within the Lieutenant Governor’s office are no longer neglected. Governor Hochul wishes him the best in his future endeavors,” Hochul communications director Anthony Hogrebe said.