Have you ever wondered what became of the fantastic concerto competition winners that you’ve heard perform with the Yonkers Philharmonic over the years? Did you know Josephine Caruso, who started and ran the competition for the orchestra? Have you wondered about Bob Sherman’s involvement through the years?
We answer these questions with our YPO@Home program: The Concerto Competition Retrospective premiering on June 27, 2021. We asked previous winners to send in a short performance videos and/or an update on what they’ve been doing. We asked long time Board Member, adjudicator and competition organizer, Joyce Henery, and emcee, Bob Sherman, to provide insight about the history and evolution of the competition since its inception. So join us for music and conversation starting June 27th.
We’re getting back together live as an ensemble. In July, the Yonkers Philharmonic Brass section announces their triumphant return to the stage with a YPO@Home outdoor performance. In August, the Yonkers Philharmonic strings close out the Hudson River Museum’s Summer Amphitheater program with a return to the stage, live for a select audience on August 20, 2021 but available through YPO@Home in September. Check out the YPO Facebook page or signup for the newsletter at yonkersphilharmonic.org for further details. Our planning for live performances with audience is well underway for the 2021-2022 Season. We’re eager to get together as a community orchestra and keep the music playing for our audience once again.
Key concert information: Premiere: Sunday, June 27, 2021. Place: ON-LINE ONLY http://yonkersphilharmonic.org/athome. Streaming starts at 8am.