How do you campaign for office during the middle of a Coronavirus
Pandemic that currently has more than 4,000 Yonkers reisdents with
COVID-19? The first thing that you DO NOT do is challenge the
signatures of your opponent. During this time of crisis, it is important for all of us to unify, and the best way to do that is to let everyone on the ballot.
Our next thought is to keep it positive, no negative campaigning during a Pandemic please, the people don’t want it, they are already having a
diffiuclt time living their lives and the last thing they need is to read about a “Hit Piece” by one candidate towards another.
Finally, the best way to campaign through a crisis is to serve and help others, and to support those who are working overtime for the people of Yonkers. That is what three candidates for Yonkers City Court are doing on the campaign trail.
Judge Tom Daly, Judge Brendan McGrath, and attorney Verris Shako, who are running together as a team and who were all endorsed by the Yonkers Democratic Party, have been teaming up with The Michael Nolan Foundation and other generous food providers, restaurants, coffee shops, local delis, and more to bring much needed meals and supplie to various members of the community.
Stops have included visits to healthcare workers at local hospitals, to all of the precincts of the Yonkers Police Department, and Empress Emergency Ambulette.
The group plans on visiting the DPW and more departments, and organizations that are helping the people of Yonkers get through this difficult time. “The generous contributions that we have received show an outpouring of love from the community, and we will continue to get them to our brave first responders and medical profressionals. In this small way we are saying thank you for your service,” said Daly, McGrath and Shako.
Yonkers attorney Daniel Romano is also running in the democratic primary for Yonkers City Court. Three seats are up for the Yonkers City Court this November. The primary election is on June 23.