Football, Volleyball and Cheerleading Postponed Until March. Basketball Delayed Until 2021

By By Phil Foley
The New York State Public High School Athletic Association has announced that football, volleyball and competitive cheerleading have been postponed till March to address concerns associated with the novel corona virus. This is due to the closeness of contact with the way each game and competiton is played.It looks like soccer and cross country are a go for this Fall. It looks like Boys and Girls Basketball will take place in January and February. In March and April we will have football , volleyball and cheerleading. In May and June we can see baseball. softball, lacrosse and track and field. It will be interesting to see when the swim teams will be allowed to compete if at all.
When it comes to Yonkers High School football I have been in contact with both Yonkers Athletic Director Jim Rose and Yonkers Force coach Dan DeMatteo. Jim is waiting to see how District One will lay out the season. (Number of games etc.} Since football is such a high risk sport many new protocols could come down from Section One for added protections.
Dan DeMatteo has been and will be waiting patiently for the new season. I asked what he thought and he said “We weren’t even cleared to fully practice on September 21st and there was no plan for playing games. I think this move gives us the best chance for having as close to a normal season as possible!”.
Good luck to all those involved with Yonkers HS sports. You surely have your work cut out with this awful virus and it’s after effects.
At the County Center in White Plains this week, more than 100 high school student athletes, parents, and coaches joined at a “Let Them Play” rally calling on New York State to apply equal treatment to Fall high school sports.
Colleges and youth leagues in New York state are allowed to play all sports, demonstrating jarring inconsistencies in State rules. All sports are allowed in neighboring states with higher Covid rates, including New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Those in attendance were urged to contact their state legislators and call the governor today and tell them to “Let them play” and allow high school football, volleyball and cheerleading to continue.