Mayor Mike Spano recently congratulated Yonkers Girl Scouts Natalie Naughton and Alana Kindelan for their work to raise money for POW-MIA flags, which have been placed under the American Flag at City Hall and other locations across the city. Mayor Spano, Veterans, and other elected officials, welcomed the two to a City Hall ceremony on Oct. 27.
“As one of my first acts as Mayor, I signed a bill into local law ordering that the POW & MIA flag be flown alongside the American flag on all city flagpoles. Today, I joined the Girl Scouts of Troop 1730, Natalie Naughton and Alana Kindelan, to remember those who are prisoners of war and missing in action,” said Mayor Spano. “I am proud to recognize the many young women of our community who have distinguished themselves as self-motivated leaders, among these exemplary individuals is Alana Kindelan, who we acknowledge this day, for her amazing work on her Girl Scout Silver Award project, the highest award given to a Girl Scout Cadette.
Born in Yonkers, Alana Kindelan is the proud daughter of Maura and Sean; she began her tenure with the Girl Scouts of America while in Second Grade at Paideia School 15; she moved up in the ranks of the Girl Scouts, as a member of Girl Scout Troop 1730. Alana Kindelan is currently a Freshman at the Ursuline School.
For her Silver Award Project, ALANA KINDELAN identified the municipal buildings throughout our City, which either were missing a POW Flag or the POW Flag was tattered; she and friends and family members, through fundraisers, obtained the necessary funds to purchase the POW Flags, and
In addition to replacing the POW Flags, ALANA KINDELAN acquired a wealth of knowledge pertaining to Flag History, Flag Etiquette, as well as meeting Veterans, Elected Officials and participating in city-wide events.
The Silver Award is the second highest recognition offered in Scouting, ALANA KINDELAN with her involvement and dedication to the community, serves as a role model for many and has made both a difference and an impact in the lives of others, and
The City of Yonkers raises its voice in tribute to ALANA KINDELAN, an individual who proudly represents the mission and goals of the Girl Scouts in making the world a better place and through her leadership and confidence is destined to become one of our City’s future leaders.
NOW, THEREFORE I, MIKE SPANO, Mayor of the City of Yonkers, do hereby proclaim this day, the 27th day of October 2021to be: ALANA KINDELAN DAY
City Councilman John Rubbo said, “You both made it your business to ensure that we never forget those who never made it home. Well done girls. You have made the City of Yonkers proud. CONGRATULATIONS ON RECEIVING YOUR SILVER BADGE!”