The weather last week and this week sure looks like it will continue its craziness. As mom would say, the sudden change in weather is pneumonia weather. But for some strange reason, thank god we never got pneumonia! Over Ground Hog Phil and Staten Island Chuck and the Westchester County bird. But changing temps are hopefully a sign that Spring is on its way and yes, after my Birthday on February 22 things always seem to get better.
Speaking of better, were you a bettor on one of these new Sports Betting apps for the Super Bowl? Close to $2 Billion Has been bet on sports apps since they became legal in New York earlier this year according to Governor Hochul. Whatever government agency I worked for over the years (won’t mention names as Super Bowl pools are technically illegal) everyone always knew that I wanted to participate even though I haven’t a clue about Football.
So I saw all these special deals to entice bettors to participate on betting on the big game. When I participated in the pools I would occasionally win not knowing why. I bet on the Rams on 2 apps, $5 each, expected to win something when they one won and ended up with bupkis! The next day I won $10 on Cash for Life Lottery game, so now I am even.
My point is how many other schmucks out there bet on the apps not having a clue as to what they were doing? A company called Schneps Media ran a tutorial which I caught a bit of, describing how the betting process worked. But I would highly suggest that New York State have online tutorials because apparently there are a lot of things you can bet on other than the Super Bowl. The state cannot be more interested in revenue generated on sports gambling than on whether people doing the gambling can afford to.
What I did find disconcerting is that both of the apps that I bet on sent me emails the day after the Super Bowl offering deals to bet on other sports, as low as a $1. I hope this isn’t their way to draw people who don’t have the money into sports betting. You should not be Betting the rent money in these apps. And our State Legislators and the Governor should put pressure on these companies not to send out these deals. Have an opt in if you want the emails, and an opt out if you don’t. Bet with your head not over it!
As for me I’ll stick with the $2 lottery bets where now everyday can can win over a million dollars or Cash for Life. They are simple. Either you have the correct numbers or you don’t. But that $1 app bet on basketball looks enticing, and I do know the Knicks usually aren’t very good. I bet confidently knowing that my long time friend Assemblyman Nader Sayegh who was on Facebook and other venues talking about betting would have bought me lunch if I didn’t win the $10 Cash for Life to make up for the apps.
Maybe he still has the special Roast Beef recipe his Uncle Gus made at the grocery Store down the street from where I grew up. I could use a nice, thick roast beaf sandwich on rye with deli mustard as his uncle would make. Fond memories!
Hope you are sitting enjoying your coffee realizing this article is going to be pretty light this week. Masks. We all hate them. The mask mandate was lifted by the Governor for stores and businesses but remember, each individual business can keep the mask mandate in effect. And many have. And you must respect it. I went to Panera at Cross County the day after it was lifted, and the manager was pretty clear when I asked her if masks were needed.
One thing I can’t understand. I was picking up a prescription at a pharmacy in a supermarket and a woman walked up picking up numerous prescriptions for her and her friend not wearing a mask. If there is a place where I would consider masking it certainly is at or near a pharmacy. Let’s face it. Most people get prescriptions for some health related reason or another. The woman looked like she was in her 70’s, more reason to where a mask. I stayed at least 12 feet away from her, and the Pharmacist in our discussion was surprised the lady wasn’t masked.
Fake vaccination cards are a problem. There has to be way to detect them and make sure all cards are real. Our technology people have to come up with a solution to this situation.
Walmart and Amazon are dropping mask mandates for fully vaccinated workers. Within the law but I am sure many will still wear them until we know for sure Covid and it’s variants are done with. I only wish the date we knew this was sooner than later.
As we go to press another unauthorized tractor trailer was on the FDR holding up traffic. This is not only a Hutchinson River Parkway or Westchester County problem. Thousands of people sit in their cars inconvenienced until the trucks are guided off the parkway. Governor Hochul has got to convene a task force with a finite date to solve this problem. I’ve given you my solution many times. We can’t wait for all commercial vehicles in this country to be outfitted with a commercial vehicle GPS. The traffic stops and inconvenience to drivers have got to be causing the New York Economy millions if not billions of dollars.
The 15 year old Russian Skater who was found to be doped and couldn’t pass a drug test should be disqualified forever from Olympics competition. Isn’t it sad that Russia is now doping 15 year olds? I hope you join me in wishing our U.S.A. athletes success at the Olympics. Bringing home gold, silver and bronze metals is our way to show China we are not happy with their policies and the way they treat their people. Novak Djokovic. Want to play tennis. Stop being a cry baby and follow the rules!
New York City fired 1400 or less than 1% of their employees this week who remain unvaccinated. You don’t follow the rules this is what happens. I have no sympathy and neither do the 99% of workers who did what they had to do!
The at home Covid tests sent by the government are reaching homes. Be on the lookout for them. Porch thieves are stealing them. And as my doctor said, only use them when you have symptoms.
The high Con Edison bills are making people in Yonkers take a second look at Sustainable Westchester.
But folks I talk to are opting out as they don’t trust the government. Con Edison is a wild beast that should have been tamed years ago. Put too much power in one company and you have the highest rates in the country. With talk of higher rates. And those who don’t opt out of Sustainable Westchester will anxiously await to see what their bills look like.
Another homeless career criminal killed an Asian woman this week. And our legislators in Albany sit on their tuchases (rear ends) and do nothing to change the bail situation crippling our State. I just don’t get why they don’t get it!
Attorney General Letitia James will sail to victory over any former official who runs against her. Look at the great work she has done while in office!
Bed Bath and Beyond getting more generous with coupons. $20 off $80 just don’t cut the mustard. Shots fired at a Jewish Mayoral Candidate in Louisville. Barely hear about it. Anti-semitism alive and well in this country. U.S. Avocado inspector gets threatened in Mexico. No more Mexican avocados. Thank god we had no avocado shortage Super Bowl Sunday! $13.45 is the average donation to the Bowman campaign.
Wonder why?
For those of you who couldn’t get through on my radio show last week, even my sister could not get through to check on the emotional state of her brother. I love callers. But please, don’t call if you are going to tell me you spoke to Judges and bail reform is not the problem with the crime wave in our midst if you are not big enough to say which judges you spoke to. Did you speak with Judge Wapner? Judge Judy? I know it wasn’t Judge Jeanine!
Reach Eric Schoen at thistooisyonkers@aol.com. Follow him on Twitter @ericyonkers. Listen to Eric Schoen on the Westchester Rising Radio Show Thursday’s from 10-11 a.m. On WVOX 1460 AM, go to WVOX.com and click the arrow to listen to the live stream or download the WVOX app from the App Store free of charge.