I’m supporting President Donald Trump for re-election. I know that my opinion may not be popular in the City of Yonkers where I live, or in Westchester County, but here are my reasons for four more years. 25 years ago I created an organization called Bring Our Jobs Home, to highlight the millions of jobs lost overseas and especially to China, by our American corporations.
I have watched as Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama worked out trade agreements with China which did nothing but benefit China, the American corporations, and the stock market.
So if you have a 401k, you have watched it grow massively over the past 25 years because of our trade agreements with China, and many in Westchester have been fortunate enough to build their wealth and 401k.
But more than 75% of Americans have no retirement account and can barely make ends meet. For those Americans, I ask you, are they better off from our trade deals with China, that closed 55,000 factories?
I think we can all agree that President Trump was the first President to stand up to China, and in my opinion, for all the right reasons. Isn’t it time we hold our American corporations accountable? Should Apple be making their IPhones that we all use with slave labor from China?
One million muslim Chinese Uyghurs are working in those slaves camps, and all religions in China are persecuted, including Christians and Buddists, just ask the Dali Lama.
Also realize that the President’s dispute is with the Chinese Communist Party, CCP, and not the Chinese people, who are hard working, family oriented and are being held captive by their own government.
For those who seek a New Green Deal, I ask you, what about the environmental abuses in China, and the unwillingness of the CCP to abide by worldwide standards, and their willingness to pollute at all costs to benefit their economy?
And what about the Coronavirus, which has killed 191,000 Americans? The CCP has yet to allow any credible health organization to come in and determine how this virus was transmitted, and more important, what is the genetic code that will help us find a vaccine. Six months later and we still don’t have cooperation from China on curing the virus, or a sharing of information? Where aren’t American outraged over this?
Another reason for changing the way we need to make it here in the USA: the need to have access to medicines and protective equipment. When China was closed for three months, all supply lines stopped. Fortunately, your pills at CVS were still available, but we may not be lucky next time.
We have not mentioned the theft by China of our intellectual property, which will hurt our grandchildren and future generations. Let this current crisis be a lesson to us that there are some things that need to be made here again. Let’s Bring Our Jobs Home, and re-elect President Donald Trump.
Next week, is President Trump an Environmentalist?
Frank Spotorno is a resident of Yonkers. He is the owner of Parkline Elevator Cabs, and was a candidate for Congress in the 14th District of NY in 2016. He is the co-founder of YonkersTimes.com
Editor’s Note: We are sure that this column will spark a debate in Yonkers over the upcoming election. Send your comments, including opposing views to dmurphy@risingmediagroup.com. We will give equal coverage to different viewpoints. One of the reasons we ran this column is to respect all opinions. We have read some unfortunate comments, which do not respect the right for all to voice their opinion, on some Yonkers websites, including ‘Fake News’ about Mr. Spotorno and this reporter, concerning a former associate of the President. More on that story if it becomes necessary to set the record straight, or to proceed with legal action.