11 Million Views for RFK Jr.’s “Real Debate”

Karl Rove recently told Mark Halperin on his 2way YouTube broadcast that 25% of Americans don’t want either Biden or Trump. “In the end they may have to decide between the two.”
Bobby Kennedy Jr. is trying to offer Americans a third option, and after the debacle that was the first Presidential debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, RFK Jr.s numbers are likely to continue to increase. RFK Jr. is currently polling at 10%, and he needs to get to 15% in four different polls to force his way into the next debate.
The Kennedy campaign continues to be ingenious in their responses from both the Biden and Trump camapigns attempts to keep him out of the spotlight. RFK Jr.’s campaign held a “Real Debate” live while the Biden-Trump debate was underway.
The livestream had RFK’s interjecting his answers to the same questions posed to Trump and Biden, with moderator Jon Stossel, a respected media veteran.
The Real Debate was broadcast on X. Elon Musk told his followers to watch, and halfway through the Trump-Biden debate, as the disgust of millions of Americans with both became evident, more than 3 million viewers were watching Kennedy’s real debate, and a total of 9 Million viewers watched the Real Debate.
RFK Jr. recited many of his core beliefs in his presidential campaign, including:
I-A willingness to discuss the US Debt, now at 34 Trillion $$$
II-Corporate America’s control over the media, big Pharma, and Wall Street.
III-His call to end the forever wars, over the past 25 years.
IV-Calling out the Biden adminstration for allowing millions of illegal migrants into the country. “It is undisputed, we’re seeing a rise in crime that is associated with the immigrants.”
“If you want more of the same, you should vote for President Biden, President Trump. If you want things to completely change, then vote for me, because I’m going to change everything,” said Kennedy.
After watching both Biden and Trump’s lack of vigor, Kennedy said, “I hike every day, I go to the gym every day, I don’t eat processed foods, and I do intermittent fasting.”
On NPR’s All Things Considered, RFK Jr. said that the debate was “a sad evening for our country. The idea that this was the best we can produce, I think, is troubling and troubling not only for our country, but just for the whole cause of democracy and self-governance around the world. Democracy is supposed to produce the best of the best, but I don’t think that that was on display last night.”
“I want to be president because I think our country is going in the wrong direction. I don’t think either President Trump or President Biden has the capacity to address the existential issues. Issues like the $34 trillion debt, which they play a disproportionate role in running up… And this is what’s driving the inflation. It’s driving housing costs that are keeping our children out of housing. Neither of them has capacity to dismantle the war machine. Neither of them can end the polarization that is tearing our country apart. Neither of them can deal with the corrupt capture. This corrupt merger of state and corporate power, where the regulated industries have captured the agencies that are supposed to regulate them.”
“Even before that debate, 70 to 80 percent of Americans said they didn’t want to be forced to choose between President Trump and President Biden. So I think I offer a choice. People are voting for them out of fear. Fear that the other guy will win. And if I can persuade people to vote out of hope rather than fear, out of inspiration rather fear and trepidation then I’m going to win the election,” said Kennedy.