Westchester Board of Legislators Expands Property Tax Exemption for Seniors & Persons with Disabilities

County Legislator David Tubiolo, with seniors

Raises Maximum Income Limit to Improve Homeowner Affordability

The Westchester County Board of Legislators unanimously voted to enact the Senior
Citizens and Persons with Disabilities Home Owner’s Tax Exemption at their meeting held Monday night.
The new law expands income eligibility for property tax exemptions by increasing the maximum household annual limit from $29,000 to $50,000.

The amendment to the current local law is a direct result of the suite of tax relief bills signed by Governor
Kathy Hochul on August 8, 2022, allowing local municipalities the option to raise eligibility requirements
(S.3085A/A.3956A). Eligibility for this exemption is limited to Westchester County homeowners that are
either a person with disabilities or a senior citizen aged 65 years or older. The goal of the law is to allow
more residents the ability to age in place within their current communities, especially for those on fixed
incomes, by maintaining affordability during a time of record-high inflation.

Legislator Vedat Gashi, Chair of the Budget & Appropriations Committee and a lead sponsor of the bill,
said, “We wasted no time in opting-in to the new tax exemption guidelines because it is our duty to help as many people as we can. Through this expansion, previously excluded individuals will for the first time
qualify for this tax relief benefit and not have to worry about being priced out of their beloved

Legislator David Tubiolo said, “Our seniors have worked their entire lives without asking for much. All
they ever wanted was the opportunity to provide for their families and contribute to their communities. We need to do our part to take care of our seniors in return and ensure they receive all the support they need to make Westchester their home forever.”