We Must Retire Jamaal Bowman on June 25

By Eric Wolf Schoen

(Part 1 of a 2 part series)

For many residents who reside in New York State Congressional District 16, the Primary Election on June 25 is in many ways more important than the race for President this year. In a district that has been represented by superheroes like Mario Biaggi, Dick Ottinger, Nita Lowey and Eliot Engel, we are currently represented by a man who every day brings disgrace to the Yonkers and Bronx residents he so poorly represents.

This cannot go on any longer. Frankly, ‘We are as Mad as hell and not going to take it anymore’ The residents of NY Congressional District 16 have had enough rhetoric. Now we need to go back to reality. We need to see the likes of a Biaggi, Ottinger, Lowey or Engel, and let this country know that the actions, votes, fire alarm pulling, man spouting his mouth on television everyday does not represent the constituents he claims to serve.

Four years ago the current Congressman beat Eliot Engel who unfortunately took the Congressional race for granted. Engel kept most of his Congressional staff in district to work on the needs of his constituents while at the same time keeping an important presence in Washington as an expert on foreign affairs. He brought home the ‘ bacon ‘ financially addressing The needs of Yonkers and the Bronx. But in a district whose composition was rapidly changing people wanted to see change.

Boy did they see change. I met the current Congressman when he was exploring running for Congress against Engel at a fundraiser in White Plains. He was standing by himself and my theory is always say hello to someone standing by themselves as you never know, tomorrow they could be your boss. I asked him what he did for a living and he told me he was running for Congress against Eliot Engel. I looked at him as if he had two heads, and actually asked him if he was kidding while laughing. He said no he was not. I wished him good luck, and never expected to see him again. 

Several months later and there he was in a primary with my friend Elliot. I still was not taking him seriously until he beat Engel for the Democratic nomination. Shockwaves filled the district, but hey, times were changing. Then came his first vote on the Biden Infrastructure bill. He was one of few Democratic congressmen to vote against it. I remember Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano coming up to me at an event and asking me ‘who is this guy? Where did he come from? Spano knew and knows Yonkers can use every dollar it can get to repair and fix the crumbling infrastructure that exists in the city. 

Every time you get a flat tire or the alignment of your car goes out, thank the current Congressman. Thank him for the rising price of goods you buy because delivery trucks are breaking down on our nations roads causing manufacturers to raise their prices. The current congressman represents Yonkers and the Bronx, areas that can use every dollar they can get. 

Before I get into the meat and potatoes of why we need to retire the current Congressman, let me get personal for a minute. I have to say that seeing him in the district is a rarity. Let me get one step closer. The Congressman lives right around the block from where I live. In 4 years passing his house many times have I ever seen him or anyone go into or come out of his house? I have friends who live right up the street from him. Do they even know which house is his? He claims he is a man of the people. Well if your neighbors don’t know who you are how will the rest of the district know. 

According to folks from the local neighborhood association, he has never gone to one of their meetings. You want to be a good neighbor you introduce yourself To your neighbors. Early  on he requested Yonkers Police presence. In the times I have passed I have never seen a marked police car in front of his house. If the neighborhood is safe for me and my neighbors, it certainly is for the current Congressman. I have friends who tell me I am joking when I tell them his supposed street address. Maybe he is hiding? Maybe he is too scared to come out of his house. Kudos to Mayor Mike Spano if he refused to provide city police protection. The Mayor told me the current Congressman refused to shake his hand. Congressman how old are we, 2?

With reference to the current Congressman, You should know: 

  1. In 4 years he has not passed a single bill!
  2. $20 Billion was delivered by President Biden and Democrats to New York to fix roads and bridges and make sure our drinking water was clean. He voted against it.
  3. His vote against the infrastructure bill was a vote against good paying jobs and internships for people who live in his district.
  4. Lives could have been lost when he pulled the fire alarm to stop a bill from getting voted on, a bill that would have kept the government open.
  5. He spread conspiracy theories about 9/11 on this blog.
  6. He has praised cop killers to his students at a New York Middle School while serving as the school Principal calling the cop killers ‘tremendous, tremendous figures.’
  7. He opposed President Biden’s plan to protect Social Security and Medicare by voting against the debt limit deal. 
  8. He claims he delivered a billion dollars for our schools, gun violence and new housing. No one can find it!
  9. His opponent, George Latimer was endorsed by  a former colleague of the current Congressman because of the Congressman’s criticism of Israel.
  10. He was endorsed by the Democratic Socialists, known for their anti-Israel  views.
  11. Bowman aligned with “The Squad,” the five congresswomen known for their critical views on Israel.
  12. He has vocally opposed Israel’s military campaign against Hamas, said that the Oct. 7 attack “did not occur in a vacuum” and accused Israel of genocide and ethnic cleansing.

 I could go on and on. 

The reason why you see the current Congressman on the news so much? One of his handlers is related to an NBC Universal Executive. Not because he has anything brilliant to say. 

Now it is time for each of us to get out our phone books, Rolodexes, organization lists, neighbor association lists and contact our friends, relatives, associates and everyone we know who lives in NY CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT 16 and tell them that we need a Congressman who represents US. I believe that person is WESTCHESTER County Executive  GEORGE LATIMER! 

Part 2 Next week: Why should you support George Latimer for Congress. 


Reach Eric Schoen at thistooisyonkers@aol.com, or friend him on Facebook Eric Schoen…just look for him in the picture with Joan Rivers!