We Endorse: Mike Lawler for Congress-NY-17

Congressional candidate Mike Lawler, with former NJ Gov. Chris Christie

Voters in Northern Westchester will be electing their next member of Congress in the 17th District on Nov. 8. Incumbent Democrat Sean Patrick Maloney is being challenged by republican Assemblyman Mike Lawler, in one of the most expensive and closely watched races in the country.

We endorse Lawler and here’s why. Congressman Maloney forced out a young, progressive democratic congressman who had represented Westchester for 2 years. Rep. Mondaire Jones was pushed out of his district and the Rockland County community where he was raised, due to redistricting, but also due to Maloney’s decision to run in the new 17th District, and not his 18th Congressional district.

Maloney, as the powerful chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, DCCC, was able to move down into Jones’ district and get Jones to run for a Congressional seat in Manhattan. Jones lost that primary, and progressives are still not happy with Maloney.

Maloney’s use of DCCC funds to trick the voters in many congressional races across the county to support far-right, extreme republicans, is unacceptable, in our view, and is not the type of leadership we need in this hyper-partisan climate.

The DCCC funds were used to pay for ads in an attempt to get the most extreme elected on the republican side so that it would be easier for democrats in the general election on Nov. 9. The Lawler campaign called this a Machiavellian national effort. We call it pouring gasoline on a fire that is American Democracy.

We also disagree with Maloney and the democratic party on Federal spending, and the desire to spend Trillions more, fueling inflation. We agree that COVID required the spending needed to help Americans, but our national debt, now at $31 Trillion, and the yearly Federal budget deficits of $1 Trillion, will have to be paid by someone, namely our children and grandchildren.

Mike Lawler is hoping to ride the Red Wave of Republican victories across the country to Congress. During the campaign, Lawler has proved that he is a knowledgeable candidate and qualified to serve the people of the district if elected.

We also respect Lawler’s decision to seek out debate and have a discussion with all of the voters in the district and participate in every debate or forum available to him, including with those who do not agree with him on some issues. His decision to get out of his political bubble is rare and admirable.

Lawler has served in the Assembly representing Rockland County. That experience will help him deliver for the residents of the district. And if republicans win the majority in the House on Nov. 8, then Lawler will serve Westchester as a member of the majority.

Lawler is a republican that independents and moderate democrats should consider voting for. We endorse Mike Lawler for Congress, NY-17.