By Eric Wolf Schoen

The United States Post Office. Wasn’t their slogan, ‘We Deliver for You’ not too long ago. Etched on the main post office in Manhattan:  Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed routes. So what happened? 

I realized last week that I  had not received mail in 4-5 days. So I ran into the mailman and asked him what was going on. He told me that my mail ‘had been lost.’ LOST? What does that mean I asked the kind man. The indication I got from him was that my mail and my neighbors mail was floating around the country. 

Now one of my neighbors has the system set up so he gets a picture early in the morning of what mail he should expect for delivery that day. This way he knows what to expect and not to expect, and if there is something he should have received he can call about it. That System seems to work out nicely for those who use it. The day I saw the mailman, my neighbor received no knowledge of any mail coming to him. So,  who was I going to call to find out where in the world my mail was. Did you ever try to call the Main Post Office, 10701 in Yonkers. Calling there is like calling the moon. No one picks up the phone and if they do by chance your call quite often will get disconnected. If you call another Yonkers Post office and ask why no one is picking up at the main post office they will laugh at you and say no one ever picks up the phone.

I wasn’t in the mood to personally visit the main post office so I said let’s wait another day to see what happens. The following day I received 2 pieces of mail, both junk mail but it led me to believe maybe the mail service was returning to normal.

I chalk up the lousy service at 10701 post office to the fact that so many lower income people live in that zip code so the post office doesn’t care much about quality of service. Also, my particular route has many hills, staircases leading to homes, homes spread apart and is simply not the carriers favorite route. So the carriers bid for easier,  better routes.

The cost of a stamp in 2019 was 55 cents, in 2023 the price went up to 63 cents and recently increased  to 73 Cents. Most blame problems at the post service on Postmaster Louis DeJoy. He is the businessman Trump brought in to fix the Postal Service. He and the Postal Service Board destroyed moral at the post office as well as cut back service and increased the price of a stamp to 73 cents. When Biden came into office he pledged to rid the Post Office of DeJoy as soon as he had control over the Postal board. Biden got control of the Postal Board, did not rid the service of DeJoy, and many people wonder what Biden is waiting for. He clearly is a big part of the problem. 

Delays in mail service also appear to stem from a new system the Postal Service began rolling out last fall that will eventually funnel all the nation’s letters and packages through a consolidated network of 60 regional distribution centers — similar to the airlines’ hub-and-spoke model. The project was introduced by the DeJoy board and there have been numerous problems. Biden must get rid of DeJoy NOW, 

The US. postal service has had its share of problems for many years. How many of you have  received mail that is not meant for you? The pretty and meaningful Commemorative Stamps are not available at all post offices, and at 73 cents you should be able to dress your mail appropriately. I told you last week of the Alex Trebek stamps with no picture of the man on them. 

Some important information. If you are sending books and other reading materials via the mail, make sure you get the special lower rate than the  1st  class rate. 24 hour machine are installed at many locations, but the machines which claim to offer most services don’t work for registered and  certified receipts.

When you are sending mail, make sure you have the right address including zip and apartment number on it. If the envelope is filled with holes, maybe it’s time for a new envelop. Make sure depending how long the package is going to take to get where it’s going that you know the price and select the appropriate service. Use online directories to be sure you have the correct information on the envelope. 

Something to think about for the future. Should the 1st Class envelope to your cousins in California be the same price as the envelope to your cousins in Yonkers. If the post Office took distance into consideration, more money would be raised for Post Office operations and the system would be fairer for all.

And Please United States Postal Service, never tell me my mail is lost! 

Final thought: I was sitting in my car in the thunder, lightening and pouring rain on Tuesday. I felt like I was in Noah’s Ark, not my Nissan. I was was texting with Rabbi Mendy Hurwitz from the Chabad at Greystone. I asked him, ’ Is there a blessing for the rain to stop? I am Sitting in a vessel covered with water!’

Rabbi told me there were blessings for Thunder and Lightening:

-Blessed are You, L‑rd our G‑d, King of the universe, Who performs the work of creation

-Blessed are You, G‑d our L‑rd, King of the universe Whose power and might fill the world

I said the blessings and the rain stopped! Could it have been a Miracle?

Reach Eric Schoen at thistooisyonkers@aol.com, or friend him on Facebook Eric Schoen…just look for him in the picture with Joan Rivers!