Trump Calls on Putin to Release Dirt on Hunter Biden

In an interview on Just the News, with John Solomon, former President Donald Trump called on Russian leader Vladimir Putin to release any information that he may have on Hunter Biden’s business arrangements with Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs.

Trump referenced a 2020 Senate report that disclosed Russian oligarch Yelena Baturina, then the wife of Moscow’s mayor, provided $3.5 million a decade ago to a company co-founded by Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden. “How is it that the mayor of Moscow, his wife gave the Biden family three and a half million dollars? I think Putin now would be willing to probably give that answer,” Trump said. “I’m sure he knows.”

The New York Times recently ran a story on Hunter Biden which confirmed that many of the emails that came from a laptop computer that was left at a repair store in Deleware were real. A grand jury in Deleware is investigating possible tax violations for Hunter Biden’s overseas and undisclosed incomen.

Trump’s comments may not be popular in the US, and especially with Ukrainian-Americans, as Putin and Russia go into their 35th day of invading Ukraine.

Trump added that he continues to want to the public to know more about Hunter Biden’s consulting agreement with Ukrainian oligarch Nikolai Zlochevsky, the owner of the Burisma Holdings gas company. Hunter Biden has confirmed in TV interviews that he was paid by Zlochevsky in 2014.

“Now, you won’t get the answer from Ukraine,” said Trump, who tried to walk a fine line between asking Putin for this favor, while also saying that he was tougher on Russia then President Biden.

“I’m the best thing that ever happened to NATO, because I made them pay. So NATO has plenty of money now,” he said. “And by the way, that’s another, I’m the one who brought up Nord Stream 2 … . I’m the one that blocked it. I terminated it. They weren’t gonna have it. He (Biden) then opened it.

“And then they say, ‘He’s so nice to Russia.’ I’m the one that put the biggest sanctions on Russia,” he said. 

To see the full interview in which Trump lays out his vision for America if he runs in 2024, tune in Tuesday at 6 p.m. ET to Real America’s Voice on Dish Network channel 219, Pluto network channel 140, or on the Roku, Samsung, Real America’s Voice or Just the News apps. 

The original story and video clip can be found here: