On Monday, March 7th at 7:30 PM, Congressman Tom Suozzi, common sense Democratic candidate for Governor of New York, will kick off his second series of regional tele-town halls. During Monday’s tele-town hall for Rockland and Westchester counties, Suozzi will invite voters to come meet him in person when he visits Rockland and Westchester counties on Saturday March 12.
Suozzi will hold eight tele-town halls scheduled over the next three months with prime Democratic voters across New York State. After each tele-town hall, Suozzi will invite callers to meet him in various locations in their communities so that they can continue to get to know him better.
Suozzi held first round of eight tele-town halls earlier this year. 58,000 Democratic voters across the state participated in those tele-town halls, having the opportunity to listen to Suozzi discuss why he is running for Governor and to ask him questions about the issues that they are most concerned with. As reported in NY State of Politics, the telephone town halls “of which Suozzi has now held several, has become something of a rarity in New York politics, especially during a pandemic: retail campaigning.” Suozzi is going straight to the people.
WHAT: Suozzi Tele-town Hall for Westchester and Rockland Counties
WHEN: Monday, March 7, 2022, at 7:30 pm
HOW: Registered Democrats will receive a call the night before the tele-town hall inviting them to join the tele-town hall the following night at the same time. On the night of the tele-town hall, participants will be called and will be patched into the live meeting.
Residents can also signup on suozziforny.com/live/ to join the live town hall or listen to it streamed live at www.SuozziforNY.com and his Facebook page.