By Dan Murphy
In Westchester County, all of the attention, and competition, on Primary Day June 22 is in the democratic primary, with contested elections in Greenburgh, Mt. Vernon, Yonkers, Peekskill and a countywide race for County Clerk. There are no contested primaries on the republican side, except for a county committe, district leader in the Town of Mt. Pleasant.
But a quick trip north over the Yorktown line and you will find dozens of signs using a quote from Mark Twain, “Diapers and Politicians Should be Changed Often Both for the Same Reason.” The signs support a slate of three candidates running in the Town of Carmel for Town Board.
The signs point to an anger, and rage, at waste of taxpayers dollars and of removing incumbents from office. If you continue on Route 6 into the Town of Carmel, the Donald Trump for President Tent has re-opened. The tent was open, and well attended for the 2020 election, but shut down we thought for good after Trump’s loss to President Joe Biden.
Signs at the Trump Tent in Carmel include -Trump 2024, Biden is not the President, and Biden is Not My President. There are t-shirt and bumper stickers, and lawn signs available for sale.
It is most interesting to note the change in political tone, after traveling only a few miles north in suburban NY. The County Legislature in Westchester have 16 of the 17 seats held by democrats, while in Putnam, republicans hold a supermajority.
Three republican strongholds in Westchester are in the Towns of Eastchester, Harrison and Yorktown. In Harrison, republican Supervisor-Mayor Ron Belmont is not running for re-election, creating an opportunity for democrats to finally take control.
In Eastcheter, long serving Supervisor Anthony S. Colavita is running for re-election and remains very popular. And in Yorktown, Supervisor Matt Slater also appears to be cruising towards a second term, running without opposition.