The Youth Shelter Program of Westchester is proud to announce An Evening with Bakari Sellers. Bakari T. Sellers is an American attorney, political commentator, former member of the South Carolina House of Representatives and author. Mr. Sellers is a CNN Contributor and has appeared on shows such as the HBO series, Real Time with Bill Maher. He is sought after for his passionate political and social commentary and analysis informed by first-hand experience.
The Youth Shelter Program of Westchester invites the public to attend this virtual fundraiser on Thursday, October 29 at 6:00 pm. The virtual event will feature a Q&A with Bakari and a video of a discussion between Bakari and the young men who reside at the Youth Shelter. Paying attendees will also receive a copy of Seller’s book, My Vanishing Country: A Memoir, which was released in May of this year and is a New York Times best seller. A bookplate signed by the author will be in each copy. The event is sure to be informative and inspiring.
Mr. Sellers made history when he became the youngest African American elected to the House of Representatives in 2006. He made Time Magazine’s “40 Under 40” list in 2010, and The Root’s 100 Most Influential African Americans list in both 2014 and 2015. Mr. Sellers learned of the great work being done by the Youth Shelter while at an event of LITerature Lounge, to celebrate Juneteenth this past summer. That event was sponsored, in part, by the Westchester Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Joanne Dunn, executive director of the Youth Shelter said, “We are thrilled that Bakari Sellers has agreed to be our keynote speaker for this event. He understands that cultivating the right relationships can make all the difference in the life of a young person. So we’re thrilled to have him support the Youth Shelter in this way.”
For over 40 years, Youth Shelter Program of Westchester, Inc., has been providing a home-like alternative to jail for young men awaiting disposition of various criminal charges with great results.
To register visit -https://www.eventbrite.com/e/an-evening-with-bakari-sellers-tickets-123221642249
For more information about the Youth Shelter visit www.ysow.