The Many Members of the Political Flip-Flop Club

By Ann Muro

Now that we have the long-awaited results of the Yonkers Democratic Primary, some political realities may also come into play. As former chair of the Yonkers Democratic Party and one who has remained active for many years, I was “turned off” by the nature of some of the campaigns.

Many who won had been the anticipated victors. Then those who lost may be going through what I always referred to as the “could have, would have, should have” syndrome.

I took issue in particular with one of the campaign pieces sent out against Mike Khader. That was the one that referred to Council President Khader as “Flip Flop Mike.” Now whether or not someone was supporting Mike was not the issue.

The piece voters received blasting him for changing parties was one that Mike could have easily addressed. Perhaps “would have, could have, should have” fits right in here.

Mike was not the only “Flip Flopper” There were many past and present that took the same step whether they were local “Flip Floppers,” state “Flip Floppers” and even national “Flip Floppers.”

For your information here are some of the Flip Floppers who either sought nominations or received nominations, were elected or even served long term. So here goes!!!

Donald Trump – President
Bernie Sanders – Vermont Senator
Mayor Bloomberg – NYC Mayor
Janet DiFiore – Westchester DA
Angelo Martinelli – Mayor of Yonkers
Mike Spano – Mayor of Yonkers
Hank Spallone – Mayor of Yonkers
Bernice Spreckman – City Council & County Legislator- 3 times!
Nader Sayegh – NY Assembly
John Rubbo – City Council
David Tubiolo – County Legislator
Charles Wood – Supreme Court Judge
Brandon Neider – Former President Young Republicans
Zehy Jereis – Former Chair Yonkers Republican Party
Tim Hodges – Candidate 6th Council District
Mario DeGiorgio – Candidate Mayoral Primary
Frank Spotorno- Candidate City Council

And the list goes on. Many of these politicos had wonderful, successful careers.
So Mike Khader was not alone; he only joined the “Flip Flop Club”