By Dan Murphy
The City of Yonkers, Yonkers Pubic Schools and all community organizations are working to help those in the city during this difficult time. Here is an update:
On March 16, Gov. Cuomo closed all schools in Westchester County, including the Yonkers Public Schools until March 31. While school might open on April 1, everyone must prepare for the possibility that school may have to remain closed for a longer period of time. Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of NY, including Yonkers, are closed until April 20.
This week, administrators and teachers in the YPS began the process of professional development as well as expanding our Electronic Learning protocols for our students. Preparations have also begun to distribute school-based Instructional Materials for students who may not have access to technology.
Effective Thursday, March 19, 2020, 10 schools will offer Grab N Go breakfast and lunch from 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM to Yonkers’ students We’ll provide the complete list a bit later. This week, the District was notified today that an individual at a YPS school tested positive for COVID-19. Under the direction of the Westchester County Health Department, we will notify the staff, students and families of that school. This school will be closed effective today for disinfecting and cleaning.
At Yonkers City Hall, an employee who works in Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano’s Communications Office tested positive for COVID-19. No other employees have exhibited symptoms, and the employee has not been present in City Hall since March 6th. The employee did not interact with the public, and fortunately is recovering well at home.
As a precaution, several employees who worked in close proximity will self- quarantine until March 20th. The Communications Office will close on Monday for additional cleaning, although all common areas at City Hall have been undergoing cleaning several times daily for the past week, and that protocol will continue.
All other offices at City Hall will continue to be open for business, although City Hall is developing protocols to reduce public interaction in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among both staff and the public.
All persons wishing to transact business with City Hall or its departments are advised to call ahead to determine whether particular offices are open to the public or have switched to online and telephonic contact whenever possible.
City Council President Mike Khader issued similar guidance on what will happen, and what is cancelled over the next two weeks, including don’t go anywhere in city government before calling first and verifying that they are open and that they can help you, or that you can’t perform your task online or over the phone.
“ In light of recent developments regarding COVID-10 (Novel Coronavirus), the City Council President’s and Clerk’s offices will be adjusting employee work hours in order to maximize safety without diminishing productivity or efficiency for the residents of Yonkers. Both offices are also asking that residents call head before attempting to visit City Hall.
The City Council President and Clerk’s office still be available via telephone, and e-mail with a skeletal staff Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. The Clerk’s office will also be suspending Tuesday late hours until further notice.
Until further notice, the two offices will implement a combination of working from home, as well as staggering shifts in an effort to minimize potential exposure. Anyone with issues pertaining to the Clerk’s office is being asked to call for information, as the public is prohibited from coming into the office at this time. Most requests can be fulfilled via mail.
Please note that the upcoming Rules meeting will be conducted telephonically. The City Council President’s office: (914) 377-6060. councilpresident@yonkersNY.gov Clerk’s Office: (914) 377-6020; cityclerk@yonkersny.gov
An Upcoming Civil Service Examination scheduled for March 28 has been postponed, and a future date will be posted soon. Also, our Department of Civil Service strongly encourages that any applicants filing for any current exam postings should mail in their application with a check or money order to:
1 Larkin Center , 2nd Floor-Civil Service , Yonkers, New York 10701.
A Zoning Board of Appeals meeting set for March 24 has been cancelled. A new ZBA meeting has been set for April 14.
The Yonkers Police Department closed their facilities to the public effective March 16, including
The Cacace Justice Center / Yonkers Criminal Court, Police Precincts 1,2,3,4, the Records Division – (914) 377-7232, Commissioner’s Office – (914) 377-7200, Property Clerk – (914) 377-7941 *(Open on Wednesdays to public access), Community Affairs Division – (914) 377-7375, Traffic Unit / Hack Unit – (914) 377-7387.
Members of the public are requested to conduct as much police business over the telephone as possible by calling above. If you need immediate assistance or a police response, call dispatch at (914) 377-7900 – emergencies dial 9-1-1.
Court related issues are directed to the Yonkers Branch of the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office – (914) 231-2700.
If you need personal service, a temporary citywide police desk is being established in the vestibule of the Detective Division, located at 104 South Broadway – entrance faces South Broadway. This desk will be staffed 7-days a week, 8:30 AM to 10:30 PM – call ahead at (914) 377-7724. Services provided:
• Vehicle Impound Releases
• Domestic Child Exchanges
• Lost/Found Property Complaints
• Other Police Matters
There will be NO in-person service for copies of records and police reports, however the following process is established until further notice:
• Fees for copies of records and police reports are waived
• Involved persons should call the Records Division at (914) 377-7232 and explain the nature of their request to a police clerk
• Two forms of photo identification, one being a State or Federal issued identification card, shall be emailed to the police clerk
• A redacted copy of the police report will be emailed in response
The YPD also requested that any Yonkers residents who are currently self-quarantined due to COVID-19 report that information to the Yonkers Police by calling (914) 377-7900. This is a VOLUNTARY request; the information will be used to create an alert in our computer-aided dispatch system to notify First Responders – Yonkers Police, Yonkers Fire, and Empress Emergency Medical Services – of the need for special resources in case of a response to your location and to better help you. Your information WILL NOT be shared with any outside organizations or saved in a database once the alert expires, and again this would be reported to us on a voluntary basis.
Due to the national COVID-19 outbreak, Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano today announced Yonkers City Hall, located at 40 S. Broadway, and its annex locations will remain open but with limited access to the public.
After New York State Governor Cuomo recently declared local governments must operate with fifty percent of its operating staff with essential employees only, the following city departments’ services will be available with limited access or by appointment only, effective immediately:
· Engineering Department: closed to walk-ins; call ahead to 914-377-6210; visit www.yonkersny.gov for permit application information
· Housing & Building Department: closed to walk-ins; call ahead to 914-377-6500; visit www.yonkersny.gov for permit application information
· City Clerk Office: closed to walk-ins; call ahead to 914-377-6020
· Tax Office: Accepting in-person payments but encouraging checks or payment by credit card; credit card fees will be waived and appear as a credit on next payment due.
· Tax Assessment Office: closed to walk-ins; e-mail CityAssessor@yonkersny.gov or call 914-377-6200 to schedule an appointment; visit www.yonkersny.gov/assessment for information
· Office of Constituent Services: closed to walk-ins; for assistance call 914-377-6010 or the Mayor’s Helpline at 914-377-HELP (4357) after hours
· Office for the Aging (435 Riverdale Ave.): closed to walk-ins; call ahead to 914-377-6822
· Veterans Affairs (120 New Main Street): closed to walk-ins: call ahead to 914-377-6700
· Department of Parks, Recreation & Conservation (285 Nepperhan Ave.): Closed to walk-ins, call ahead to 914-377-6450; for permit applications and updates on recreational sites visit www.yonkersny.gov
· Yonkers Career Center and New York State Department of Labor (28 Wells Avenue, Bldg 3, 4th Fl): closed to walk-ins; call center number and New York State Department of Labor 914-461-9077 for assistance
· Consumer Protection Bureau (87 Nepperhan Ave): Closed to walk-ins; all hearings postponed; call ahead to 914-377-3000; visit Forms page at www.yonkersny.gov to download applications
· Planning & Development Department (87 Nepperhan Ave.): closed to walk-ins; call ahead to 914-377-6150
· Parking Violations Bureau (87 Nepperhan Ave.): Open 8:30am-4:00pm for payment; no Wednesday evening hours until further notice; all scheduled parking, red light camera and code enforcement hearings have been cancelled; a new date to appear will be sent in the mail once hearings resume; submit requests for a hearing by mail and to make ticket payments online at www.yonkersny.gov, by phone at (866) 377-9665 or by mail directly to Yonkers PVB, 87 Nepperhan Ave., Yonkers, N.Y. 10701
· Yonkers Parking Authority (8 Buena Vista Ave.): closed to the public Monday, Wednesday and Fridays until further notice; call YPA office with questions at (914) 965-2467 on those days; all permit transactions can be done on-line from the 15th through the 27th by visiting permit www.YPAPERMITS.YONKERSNY.GOV or in person Tuesdays and Thursdays (8:30am-4:00pm); evening office hours will be cancelled until further notice
· Yonkers Police Department: All four precincts closed to public as well as the Records Division (914) 377-7232; Commissioner’s Office (914) 377-7200; Property Clerk (914) 377-7941 *(Open on Wednesdays to public access); Community Affairs Division – (914) 377-7375; and Traffic Unit / Hack Unit – (914) 377-7387; members of the public are requested to conduct as much police business over the telephone; if immediate assistance or a police response is needed, call dispatch at (914) 377-7900 – emergencies dial 9-1-1.
· Yonkers Fire Department: All fire stations and fire headquarters closed to public; public asked to call for assistance. Fire Prevention (914) 377-7525 or email FirePrevention@yonkersny.gov; Fire Commissioners Office (914) 377-7500; if immediate assistance or a fire response is needed, call dispatch at (914) 377-7900 – emergencies dial 9-1-1.
· Yonkers Public Library: All three branches closed until March 31 and possibly longer
· Yonkers Public Schools: Closed until March 31 and possibly longer
Residents are encouraged to call the Mayor’s 24 hour Helpline at 914-377-HELP (4357) with any questions.