Lawsuit Claims Sexual Texts/Pics Made by Perverted Principal

The front page of the New York Post, and media outlets across the county and the world, picked up this unfortunate story and photos, concerning Yonkers, and Dodson School Principal Evelina Medina. The reason for the interest online and in print is that the story includes nudity, texting, forcing an employee to do the wrong thing, affairs and more.
We print this story, and include the photo, because along with thousands of our readers, parents and taxpayers in Yonkers, we are horrified, offended and outraged that this type of behavior was allowed to continue after the allegations were made and all relevant parties in the Yonkers Public Schools were notified, if the allegations in the Federal Lawsuit are true,
The lawsuit was filed by Gisselle Vasquez, a 35-year-old single mom, who worked as a spanish secretary at the Dodson School in Yonkers under Principal Medina. Medina is accused in the lawsuit of sharing naked pictures of her lovers with Vasquez, and of makng Vasquez take semi-naked pictures of herself. One of those pictures is cropped above. If you wish to have more detail you can find other photos at or elsewhere online.
According to the lawsuit, one photo was texed by Medina to Vaszquez of a man in bed holding his penis. On another day at the school Medina told Vaszquez to close the door and then removed her pants, according to the lawsuit.
`Vaszquez told the NY Post “To this day I don’t understand what would make her so comfortable to ask me to do that for her,” Vasquez told The Post, explaining that the women were not friends. “I wondered if I don’t do this what would be the repercussions for me at work. I’m a single parent and I thought what would happen if I said no.”
Medina is accused of then texting the images of herself to Vaszquez. “Medina used my client as her own personal drop-box to keep the sexy pictures away from her [Medina’s] husband,” said attorney Christopher Berlingieri. “Due to the serious nature of the sexual harassment here, we felt that there was no other option but to bring a civil action.”
All of the strange and perverted requests came in 2018, including when Medina commanded Vasquez to buy lingerie for her from the infamous Romantic Depot on Central Avenue.
The lawsuit also includes Dodson Assitant Principals Sandra Guzman and Christopher Cassano. Guzman is alleged to have had sexual discussions with Medina and Vazquez in school, and let us remember that this is an Elementary School.
The allegations in the lawsuit are more serious concenrng Dodson Assistant Principal Christopher Cassano, who is accused in the suit of sexually harrassing Vazquez, asking sexually explicit questions and attempting to kiss her on the lips without her consent. Vazquez was eventually trasnfered to the Ceasar Chavez school, where she still works today.
Vazquez began formally complaining about the activity, according to the suit, contacting Human Resources staff and working up the chain to Superintendent Dr. Edwin Quezada, in an alleged email exchange, according to the suit. But nothing was done to try and change or rectify the position that Vasquez was placed in, other than the transfer.
The New York Post reported that Medina is no longer principal at Dodson. No comment from the Yonkers school district on the pending litigation.
Several of our readers are aware of this case having read it online. “I can’t believe that a Principal in Yonkers is in a story in the Daily Mall,” said Teresa, one of our readers. “This is a shame, sad to see it and hope you report on it so that everyone knows.”
Others had sympathy for Ms. Vasquez. “When we hear alot about people not wanting to work anymore, here we have a single mom, trying to work for her young daughter, trying to do the right thing, and instead she gets caught up in some sick, sexual leadership situation at an elementary school? This creeps me out.”
Yonkers Rising reporter Eric Schoen was disappointed with the lack of response from the school district. “A professional PR person would have said the individuals involved have been reassigned and will not be interacting with children nor professional staff. This calms the fear of parents who wonder WTF is going on at their child’s school without convicting the individuals involved.
“A professional would have also said this matter is under investigation by the district and until the investigation is complete, we will have no further comment. It shows the district is doing something. Safety of students and staff is paramount.
“To say the district doesn’t comment on litigation is a ridiculous response that doesn’t take into consideration the well being of students and staff. That is why I felt it so important that you include the picture,” writes Schoen.
Yonkers Rising has spoken with Vaquez’s attorney, and more information on this story may be coming. Anyone else with information can email us at
Editor’s Note: We had several discussions with our staff and friends of the paper, concerning whether or not we should print the disturbing photo, and on the front page. While we were all not in agreement, we decided to print the photo because as one Yonkers Rising reader told us, “why should you be embarrased about the photo? Principal Medina should be embarrased about what she was doing while working for YPS, and the school district should be embarrased, if the lawsuit is true, and they could have resolved this before it all came out.”
Also interesting to note that neither the Journal News nor News 12 has covered this story as we go to press, while the rest of the newsworld has taken notice.