Screw Rhode Island!

This too is Yonkers, by Eric Schoen

Does Anybody Really Know what time it is? Does Anybody Really Care? What the hell is going on here? Are we in Nazi Germany?

I was reminded of our painful past when I woke up Saturday morning and saw the headline, ‘Rhode Island Police to Hunt Down New Yorkers Seeking Refuge.’ Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo ordered the state police and National Guard to hunt for New Yorkers because of coronavirus fears. A very scary sign of what’s to come during the pandemic.

Raimondo ordered a 14-day quarantine for anyone coming from New York coming into the Ocean State. Raimondo said that in her judgment this was “the most prudent form of action.” State Police and the National Guard were deployed to enforce Raimondo’s directive, resulting in cars being pulled over and their passengers forced to register themselves with the government. Why? Simply because the vehicles were adorned with New York license plates. 

Then Raimondo went further. Authorities with the power to detain and arrest US citizens were sent to bus and train stations, as well as the local airport, TF Green Airport, to seek out and inform visitors from New York of the order, the violation of which is punishable by a maximum fine of $500 and incarceration of up to 90 days.

Not happy with that, On Saturday at the direction of Raimondo, military police of the National Guard — armed, camouflaged, and flak jacket-clad — began knocking on the doors of homes where cars with New York license  plates, or no cars at all were parked. They were searching for New Yorkers. Searching to make them register so that they could track their whereabouts.

Were they going to tattoo or burn apple insignias into their skin? If they found a New Yorker, were they going to break the windows of their house? Loot them? Line them up to take them away in cattle cars.

Nothing can compare to the horrors of the Holocaust but friends, this came very close to it. Fortunately that night, Governor Cuomo had a conversation with Raimondo and she agreed to stop her illegal behavior. The next day Rhode Island put in a mandatory quarantine for people coming from all states, not Just New York.

We have laws in this country. Whether you are the Governor of a State or a barber cutting hair you have to follow them. Surely in a pandemic or time of national crisis the government can suspend certain laws. But please, don’t take us back to a time most of us would like to forget. I hope my Rhode Island friends remember Raimondo’s behavior when and if she runs for re-election in 2022.

It seems like the Coronavirus is being managed by no one. We hear of states bidding against other states, procurement officials bidding both in the United States and abroad for personal protection equipment and ventilators. Manufacturers doubling, tripling and even going higher in price for much needed equipment. The federal government has a role here and should  be able to stop this and put an end to States slugging it out for supplies with other states and spending money that should be used for supplies on procurement efforts.

We have to stop hearing mixed messages from our public officials. If you don’t know the answer to a question just say so. We understand this is unchartered territory in our country,  but it is not good when we hear x from the President and Y from the Governor and z from the County Executive.

People were upset earlier this week when they didn’t see the Mayor of Yonkers on television enough discussing the crisis. Between the President, the Governor and the County Executive and their advisors and resources, with all do respect I don’t think the  Mayor would have much to offer. He did a Facebook Live Event on Monday for those interested.

Our health care workers are doing very difficult jobs without adequate resources to the point of exhaustion. For our President to say that facilities are over ordering supplies and that they are going missing insults not only every professional and those behind the scenes in New York but across the world. Mr. President, if you have proof present it to our law enforcement officials for prosecution. If you don’t shut up. Likewise, there’s no room for the President to get into public fights with elected officials at all levels of government. This virus levels the playing field and all elected officials need to be on the same page.

Weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, other occasions will have to wait and should not be taking place. We know the virus spreads very quickly when groups of people congregate together. Governors of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut have told people not to do this but it is Still going on. Shame on those who put their lives and the lives of loved ones in jeopardy.

The Pastor of the Church in Florida who disobeyed rules for gathering! How can a pastor do this to this flock. He needs to be arrested and dismissed from the religious body he is affiliated with. The Brooklyn man arrested by FBI agents for selling personal protection equipment who the went on to cough on the agents telling them he had Coronavirus? Lock him up!

Many of our public meetings are going online with votes that would normally be public taking place. There is enough technology out their to include public commentary where it is required and/or existed in the past. It’s troubling when I see a Board of Education meeting that in normal times is broadcast online but now without a period for public commentary available. These meetings are not brought online just for the convenience of Board members. There are platforms out there that will allow the public to be heard.

If the United States can bring the medical ship Comfort to New York in record time, we can come up with a way to vote by mail. Frankly I am sorry Mr. President if you feel that no Republicans can get elected with a vote by mail system. I’ll bet the the Republicans can beat the Rhode Island Democrat Governor I opined about earlier!

Stay home, stay safe, wash your hands, get a breath of fresh air, exercise in a park like Tibbetts Brook Park where you can maintain much more than a 6 foot distance, take your vitamins, eat right, no gatherings of friends other than on FaceTime or via the telephone.

Pray for those doing the hard work to keep you safe. Pray that this pandemic will soon be a memory.

County Executive George Latimer goes to  Synctuition on YouTube where everyday they feature calming music from the past. Good stuff. You might try it out!

Reach Eric Schoen at Follow him on Twitter @ericyonkers. Listen to Eric Schoen and Dan Murphy on the Westchester Rising Radio Show Thursday’s from 10-11 a.m. On WVOX 1460 AM, go to and click the arrow to listen to the live stream or download the WVOX app from the App Store free of charge.