Young students from Yonkers hold up their American Flags to honor those who died defening our freedoms

This event at the 7th Ward War Memorial commemorates the 49 people who are etched in stone. It was dedicated in 1959. Thank you, Commander Sam Riti and Armando A. Ruso AMVETS Post 40, Yonkers Parks and City of Yonkers Department of Veteran Services for a moving ceremony.Riti is pictured above at the ceremony.
Many of us have a relative who died serving our nation. My great grandfather died in World War I, and is buried in France. His daughter, my grandmother was born shortly after his death. My grandma never got to meet her dad.
So enjoy your Memorial Day wekeend, but remember what the true meaning of Memorial Day is all about. And thank any Veteran you see and say thanks for your service.