Remembering and Honoring America’s Vietnam Veterans in Westcheter County

Vietnam veteran turns to salute the column listing the names of the 217 men and 8 women of Westchester County who lost their lives serving their country in the Vietnam war, photos (c) Robert Kalfus

By Robert Kalfus

The Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 49, Westchester, gathered at the American flag flying atop the hill at Lasdon Park in Katonah, honoring and remembering their fallen comrades, those who served and gave their lives in the Vietnam War. The names of all 217 Westchester men and 8 nurses who died in the Vietnam War were solemnly read and remembered, followed by a three gun volley.        

The Trail of Honor leads uphill to the Vietnam War Memorial and Vietnam War Nurses Memorial, located on high ground with a spectacular view of the Muscoot Reservoir valley. A cobblestone walkway encircles a granite obelisk featuring the names of the 217 Westchester County residents who were killed in action during the Vietnam War. A flagpole with the American and POW flags stands sentinel over the site. The Nurses Memorial depicts a soldier carrying a wounded comrade with a nurse reaching out to assist. A granite stone nearby lists the names of eight nurses killed in Vietnam.              

The Trail of Honor is open year-round and tours are provided on request from Chapter 49 WA. Services are held at the Vietnam Memorial on Veterans Day and Memorial Day. Please contact Chapter 49 for information at or call (914) 682-4949.