Questions Raised as Adeel Mirza Drops Out of Race for Westchester DA, Endorses Wagstaff

Adeel Mirza

By Dan Murphy

Adeel Mirza, one of three democratic candidates for Westchester County District Attorney, ended his campaign on June 14, just one day before early voting began for the Democratic Primary on June 25. In his statement, Mirza endorsed William Wagstaff for Westchester DA.

“I ran for District Attorney because, after almost two decades in the Westchester DA’s office, I had the experience to run the office, reform it, and keep families safe. Throughout this campaign, I have had the incredible opportunity to visit every corner of our county, meeting people, leaders, and activists who care deeply about our communities’ futures. I am deeply grateful for the support and encouragement from every community in Westchester.”

“The District Attorney’s office is a vital piece of that future, and whoever holds the office must be someone who holds our Democratic values – and always has. That is why, after much reflection and many conversations, I have decided to stop campaigning and back William Wagstaff for District Attorney. I have gotten to know William throughout this race, and he is kind, generous, thoughtful, and reform-minded. He will run the office with integrity and keep families safe while pursuing justice for all, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, gender identity, or economic status,” said Mirza.

Some have questioned the timing of Mirza’s exit from the DA’s race. “What kind of deal did Adeel cut with Wagstaff? What is he getting for getting out and endorsing Wagstaff?” asked one Westchester Democratic leader.

Mirza’s departure now leaves Wagstaff and Susan Cacace as the two remaining democrats in the race for Westchester DA. Cacace’s campaign commented on Mirza’s departure from the race. “We are not surprised by Adeel Mirza’s decision to stop campaigning in the race for Westchester District Attorney, nor are we surprised by his questionable decision to endorse William Wagstaff. What is truly disappointing is that Mr. Mirza’s campaign was built solely around disparaging Susan Cacace, the only woman in the race for DA, a lifelong Democrat and clearly the most experienced and qualified candidate.

“The choice for the next Westchester DA has only become clearer. Susan Cacace’s decades of experience as a Westchester County Court Judge, Assistant DA and criminal defense attorney make her far more qualified to keep Westchester safe than any other candidate. This sentiment is shared by current DA Mimi Rocah, the Westchester County Democratic Committee and dozens of other well respected elected officials and law enforcement organizations throughout the county who have proudly endorsed Susan Cacace.

“Undecided voters should ask an important question. Will William Wagstaff, who seeks to become the chief law enforcement official in the county, accept the endorsement of an accused sexual harasser who was disgracefully fired from the DA’s Office and whose campaign was run by a convicted felon? The race for District Attorney is far too important to ignore these important decisions,” stated the Cacace campaign.

Mirza recently settled a sexual harassment lawsuit filed by a former colleague in the Westchester DA’s office, and most of the more than $100,00 spent by Mirza’s campaign were negative attacks against Cacace. And Mirza’s final comment in his statement was,”What we can not have is a District Attorney who has run on the Republican and a Conservative Party lines – we need a Democrat who has always been staunchly pro-choice and supports common sense gun legislation. William Wagstaff will be a District Attorney we can be proud of, and I am asking all my supporters to vote for him.”

Some Westchester democrats questioned the rationale for attacking Cacace, the only woman in the race, who is seeking to replace Mimi Rocah. “I think Adeel wanted to get back into the DA’s office. But the way he went about it, sending out mailings attacking Cacace, without introducing himself to voters, resulted in dismal poll numbers that had him behind Wagstaff and Cacace.”

Recent polling in the race had both Mirza and Wagstaff far behind Cacace, with a large segment of Westchester democrats undecided. The reason? The Bowman-Latimer race for Congress was sucking all of the oxygen out of the DA’s race.

Polling in Bowman-Latimer had very few voters undecided. They have made their minds up and are already voting early. But in the DA’s race, almost half of democrats have yet to make up their mind.

Now polling will have to be conducted with just two DA democratic candidates to choose from: William Wagstaff and Susan Cacace.