Pressure Mounting on Mayor Spano to Run for a Fourth Term

Mayor Mike Spano, with Superintendent Dr. Edwin Quezada, at the first day of school

By Dan Murphy

For six months, the people of Yonkers have pondered who should serve as their next Mayor. For most of those six months, the largest speculation has fallen on the person currently holding the job; Mayor Mike Spano, and whether he should be allowed to run for a fourth term.

That discussion continues, in part because a recent rally against changing term-limits, which Spano would need in order to run, backfired, drawing only 5 people, 4 of whom supported the change to allow a Spano fourth term.

The rally was viewed as a sign that the people of Yonkers are at least open to the idea of Mayor Spano continuing, and the biggest reason we hear again and again from a diverse group of residents, is that they want to see the progress made under Mayor Spano continue.

“I urge the City Council to pass a law to allow Mayor Spano to run for another term. As someone who has owned a business in Yonkers for many decades, I can say confidently that this City is heading in the right direction-because of Mayor Spano. While the country may be divided, Mayor Spano has made sure all communities throughout Yonkers are united. We need Mayor Spano to continue the great work he had done for our city,” said Antone Daoud.

After 11 years, the people of Yonkers don’t seem tired with Mayor Spano’s leadership. It’s just the opposite, they want to see him continue. And nobody has stepped forward to challenge Mayor Spano if he decides to run next year. Some candidates don’t want to challenge Spano and are waiting to see what he does.

“Under Mayor Mike Spano’s leadership, every facet of city government has become inclusive to all religions and cultures. In addition to recognizing the Muslim Holidays and adding it to the school calendar, Mayor Spano swore-in the first Muslim Police Officers in our city. As the head of the Muslim Democratic Caucus and Vice Chair of the Yonkers Democratic Party, I fully support the extension of term limits to allow Mayor Mike Spano for another term,” said Hussein Rababah.

Some lifelong residents of Yonkers want to see the progress continue. “I’m very open to another term for Mayor Spano. I have been a Yonkers resident since I was 14. I remember what Yonkers used to be and I see what it is now. I’m really proud of the progress we have made as a City under Mayor Spano. We have come a long way, and it’s the leadership that we are where we are. I think he sees it more of a duty now, for the future of the city,” said Jeni Wallace, Executive Director at The Matthew Wallace Foundation.

At this point, Mayor Spano is still making up his mind. He wanted to see if the people wanted a fourth term, but the pressure is mounting for Spano to accept.

We leave you with a letter written to us from Kimberly Germano, a nurse at a hospital in Yonkers. “You don’t know me, but I have lived and worked in Yonkers for most of my life. I work at a nurse in Yonkers, and just moved back to Yonkers. I lived in the Bronx for a period of time, but when it was time for my kids to go to school, I wanted to come back to Yonkers. I read your paper which is dropped off where I work, and I wanted to say that I am Ok with Mayor Spano continuing to do the job. My experience is that he allows me to do my job and feel safe doing it, and coming home safe to my family. The Yonkers schools and its teachers have done a good job with my children. I would like to see all of this continue.”