Pineda-Issac’s Unpaid Tickets from City Car & Personal Auto Costing Taxpayers Thousands

Violations in Yonkers as of 05/31/2023 unpaid:

No Front License Plate–14 Tickets-$1365.00; $2,170 total

Violations in City Vehicle Outside Yonkers: 

Speeding in a school zone-two times-caught on video in NYC

 -thousands of dollars in EZ Pass fines and unpaid tolls; 

all violations and fines from City Car come back to City Hall.

      If Pineda-Isaac doesn’t pay, who picks up the tab? 

By Dan Murphy 
	Yonkers City Councilwoman and Mayoral candidate Corazon Pineda-Isaac owes the City of Yonkers, and it taxpayers, more than $2170.00 in unpaid traffic tickets and violations, accumulated over the past two years, in the City of Yonkers, from her personal vehicle. 
	In addition, Pineda-Isaac has wracked up thousands of dollars in tickets, violations and unpaid tolls from her travels outside of Yonkers, to New York City. Among those fines are speeding violations for traveling at an illegal rate of speed through a school zone. 
	The fines in the City of Yonkers, from her personal vehicle, include 14 violations, all in 2023, for not having a license plate on the front of her vehicle. Without penalties, they total $1365.00. Other tickets and violations in Yonkers bring the total to $2170.00. 
         Pineda-Isaac also has accumulated more than $3000 in fines, parking tickets and speeding tickets with her City owned car. Violations include speeding through a school zone in the Bronx. NYC Cameras in a school zone cameras caught Pineda-Isaac traveling  36 in a 25mph zone on two occasions in 2023.  
	Other violations, include dozens of E-Z Pass violations on the NYS Thruway or the NYC Bridges and Tolls, and other fines and tickets in White Plains, New Rochelle and Yonkers.  At one point, the City of Yonkers owed EZ Pass $2
We wanted to find out what the proper procedure was when fines come into the City of Yonkers from parking violations bureaus in NYC and from EZ Pass. $2109.00 just for Pineda-Isaac’s vehicle. 
	City Councilwoman Shanae Williams, who does drive a city owned vehicle, explained, “if I get a ticket, I pay for it. I have a personal EZ Pass that I use and pay for. We also get notified by the City if there is a ticket issued for our city council car. On the rare occasion where it gets that far for me, I pay it.  The taxpayers are paying for our vehicles, they shouldn’t also have to pay for our fines and tickets.” 
	Pineda-Isaac did pay for some of her older EZ Pass fines, but recent violations from 2022 and 2023 are unpaid.  Included with the violation and ticket is an email from a City of Yonkers employee asking Pineda-Isaac to pay for her tickets and fines for Car #14, the internal name for Pineda-Isaac’s car. In some cases, the Pineda-Isaac did pay for the fines from her city vehicle, but in most of the more than 100 pages of City Vehicle/Fines, tickets and violations info, most recent fines are not paid. 
	Recently, Pineda-Isaac has submitted legislation on the City Council to lower the speed limit in school zones in Yonkers. But the documents we obtained show that Pineda-Isaac was caught speeding in a school zone in the Bronx on two occasions. 
	City Councilman John Rubbo called Pineda Isaac’s behavior “irresponsible.”  “It is irresponsible for her to not only get the speeding tickets, but then not to pay them. That puts a financial burden on the taxpayers.  As council members we are traveling all over the city, so we get a vehicle. But the people give us that vehicle and ask us to be responsible with it. What makes her believe that she can handle the responsibility of running the 3rd largest City in New York? 
	At the DMV in Yonkers, Valdez said, “that is a big problem in Yonkers, getting tickets. If she can skate off free, why can’t I? “ 
	Most of the DMV customers did not know Pineda-Isaac was running for Mayor of Yonkers. But when told so, one man said, “Clean up your own backyard before you go knocking on your neighbor’s door.”
	Councilwoman Williams, who is running for County Legislator on June 27, added that “we have to determine what mileage was for council uses and what was for personal use. And we are supposed to pay for the personal miles.”
	One Yonkers democrat who was aware of the campaign for Mayor, called it Hypocritical for her “(Pineda-Isaac) to attack the Mayor and his family, but she isn;t paying her parking tickets? Why didn’t someone pay the fines for her?” 
	“Another joked, what happens if you don’t pay your parking tickets? You run for Mayor.” 
          One Yonkers resident told us, “I understand that it is wrong for her not to pay her parking tickets, but if she doesn’t pay them-what happens then?”