On Tuesday, June 29, 2021, a group of approximately 50 parishioners from Our Lady of Sorrows church in White Plains, New York, held a press conference questioning the intentions of the New York Archdiocese after their beloved charismatic priest and Administrator, Tim Wiggins, was transferred to another parish.
“After a difficult year for our community and the entire globe in getting through the pandemic, we are now faced with another obstacle that is frankly unnecessary,” said parishioner Joseph Amato.
Marina Colella harkened, “Father Tim has been a part of our Catholic community for over a decade. He has been instrumental in so many life markers in each of our families. Whether it be weddings, communions, confirmations, or funerals, Father Tim has guided us through some of the most important and many times difficult parts of our lives. Father Tim is an extension of our families. To lose him now would be devastating to us and our children.”
Our Lady of Sorrows community questions the intentions of the Archdiocese after the transfer was made without feedback from the parishioners themselves. Many feel that Father Tim not only unified the entire church community during a deeply trying time but created a place of peace, welcoming and support beyond traditional church parameters. Father Tim is also credited with bettering the financial outlook of the parish and bridging the gap during a racially sensitive time in our nation’s history. As an African American priest in a predominantly white parish, the synergy that Tim has created with the community is a model example of unity and understanding and transcends any racial or ethnic boundaries.
Our Lady of Sorrows Parishioners are appealing to the Archdiocese of New York to keep Father Tim as Resident Priest of the church and they have gathered over 500 petition signatures which have been delivered to the NY Archdiocese and his Eminence Cardinal Dolan.