Oldest Living Democrat from Westchester County Board of Supervisors Endorses Trump

Andrew J. Balint

The sole surviving Democrat who was elected to both the now defunct Westchester County Board of Supervisors and the first Westchester County Board of Legislators has proclaimed his support for the election of Donald J. Trump in the upcoming presidential election.

Andrew J. Balint, who represented the 10th Ward in the City of Yonkers from 1964 through 1969, and who represented the County of Westchester’s 16th Legislative District from 1970 through 1971, has attributed the downward slide of the once great Democrat Party to the seizure of national leadership positions by leftist extremists.

He recalled that, when Elon Reeve Musk disassociated himself from the party earlier this decade, he noted that the Democrat Party went from being the “party of kindness” to being the “party of hatred and division”. “The party leaders have demonstrated that on countless occasions” claims Balint, who also charged the media with forsaking the high standards set by Walter Cronkite, Chet Huntley, David Brinkley, Ted Koppel and other like kind professionals.

Balint recalls watching on You Tube a panel of five news people, including Ted Koppel and Brian Stelter, who were discussing national politics. When Trump became the topic of discussion, Koppel told Stelter that CNN’s ratings would be“in the toilet” if it didn’t have Trump to bash around. Koppel was equally critical of MSNBC.

Balint also expressed his disgust with the party’s making abortion its crowning glory. He observed their use of euphemisms to enhance the appearance of this once criminal act of slaughtering infants in utero like “women’s reproductive health”, “women’s right to choose”, and “women’s reproductive rights”. Balint raised the question: “What about the rights of the in utero infant?”

The former County Legislator, himself a Catholic, is appalled by the the countless Catholics who have been elected to public office and who disregard the teachings of their faith about this serious sin. He commented: “We have witnessed the culture in which we live going from deeming abortion a crime to approving it even though the head of the infant is visible. The Catholic faith remains firm in its holding that abortion is a serious sin and violates moral law.”

One of Balint’s piques with the media is the manner in which it has gone from doubting that Harris is the right person to be Biden’s running mate to making her the high priestess of American politics within an extremely short period of time after Biden’s disturbing dismissal as the party’s candidate for president. It reminded him of the words he happened upon many years ago “When wealth or ego or country or power becomes the central preoccupation of one’s life, disintegration follows as surely as night follows day.”