Old Friend of the Clintons: Hillary is Running for President

Hillary Clinton speaking at the NYS Democratic convention in NYC on Feb. 17

By Dan Murphy

On Jan. 11, Doug Schoen co-authored an editorial for the Wall Street Journal titled Hillary Clinton’s 2024 Election Comeback, which made the case that the lack of enthusiasm for President Joe Biden to run for re-election or for vice-president Kamala Harris to run for President in two years, and a lack of other credible democrats to fill the void has “created a leadership vacum” Schoen wrote, that Hillary could fill.

Most thought that Schoen, who worked on Bill Clinton’s 1996 Presidential campaign, and Hillary’s 2008 Presidential campaign, was dreaming and writing fiction.

But on Feb. 17, Hillary appeared at the 2022 New York State Democratic Convention in New York City and gave a speech that Schoen said on the Michael Smerconish radio show on Sirius/XM, “after that speech, which was a partisan stemwinder, I think its more likely than not that Secretary Clinton is making it clear that she wants to take on the republicans in general and Donald Trump specifically.”

In her speech, Hillary took on Trump, Fox News, and the latest from the Durham investigation. “We can’t get distracted by the latest culture war nonsense or a new right wing lie on Fox or Facebook. By the way, they are after me again lately, in case you may have noticed.It’s funny. The more trouble Trump gets into the wilder the charges and conspiracy theories about me seem to get.”

“Fox leads the charge with accusations against me counting on their audience to fall for it again. And as an aside, they’re getting awfully close to actual malice in their attacks. But as I said, don’t get distracted.”

 “When we should be standing together against autocracies like Russia and China. January six, last year was a gift to them because they know something we need to remember. America is only as strong as our unity and our democracy allows us to be.”

“We are in uncharted territory. And make no mistake, our adversaries around the world are watching. Republicans are defending coup plotters. They’re curbing voting rights at precisely, the moment when democracy needs champions,” said Mrs. Clinton, the former U.S. Senator from NY.

Schoen said that the attempts to attack her, whether they come from Trump or Fox News or those pushing the Durham report beyond what has been found so far, “only make her want fight harder against them. She’s prepared to take them on and threatened them (Fox) in rhetoric with a lawsuit. She does not back down, she will not back down. There are no credible allegations about her behavior, only inferences that some can draw in the right wing media.”

In the absence of anyone else, and I don’t see anyone else, certainly not Vice-President Harris or Secretary Buttegieg, I don’t see anyone else who is a credible alternative. And she is a woman of vigor, intellect fight and enthusiam. I don’t think she is going away and I believe she will seriously explore getting the nomination and seek to get it if it is attainable.” said Schoen.