NBC news political data guru Steve Kornacki with Meet the Press host Kristen Welker
By Dan Murphy
A new NBC news poll has President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump in a statistical tie and within the margin of error. In a head to head, Trump leads Biden, 46%-44%. But when independent Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy is included in the poll, its Biden 39%, Trump at 37% and Kennedy at 13%.
Which means that according to the NBC poll, taken by Hart Research Associates, with Public Opinion Strategies, (https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24564257-240126-nbc-april-2024-poll-4-21-2024-release), Kennedy is taking more of his votes away from Trump than Biden.
NBC News political data guru Steve Kornacki said the same to Kristen Welker on Meet the Press. “We are seeing by a more than 2 to 1 margin, Trump voters who are flipping over to Kennedy by a 2 to 1 margin.”
When Kennedy’s name is added to the poll, 15% of Trump voters move to Kennedy, compared to only 7% of Biden voters.
Both President Biden and former President Trump are “underwater” in their approval ratings, with 52% disapproving of Biden and 52% disapproving of Trump.
Inflation and the economy, and immigration and the border, were the top two issues identified by voters in the poll. And on those two issues, President Biden’s approval on the economy was 39% approve, and 59% disaprove. On border security and immigration, Biden got 28% approval and 69% disapproval.
When asked who is better on the economy, Trump leads Biden 52%-30%. When asked which candidate has “the necessary mental-physical health, Trump leads Biden-45%-26%.
Also included in the poll are Green Party candidate Jill Stein-3% and independent candidate Cornell West-2%. All three third party-independent candidates are currently attempting to get on the ballot in all 50 states. Kennedy’s campaign is well ahead of both Stein and West in getting on Presidential ballots across the country.
When asked if Biden, Trump and Kennedy are viewed enthusiastically or favorably, Trump leads at 41%, Biden at 38% and Kennedy at 31%.