On July 15, Mt. Vernon Mayor Shawyn Patterson-Howard declared a State of Emergency in her city because of a lack of payments by City Comptroller Deborah Reynolds. “This State of Emergency is declared due to a public health and safety crisis. that has threatened the public health of the City of Mt. Vernon. Due to the gross negligence and deriliction of duty by the Comptroller, who has failed to process and pay invoices of approximately $500,000 for critical parts and maintenance of police, fire and public works vehicles. As a result, nearly our entire fleet of vehicles has been impacted by this crisis,” stated Mayor Patterson-Howard.
The problems with maintaining vehicles in the Mt. Vernon Department of Public Works became so severe that the City had to cancel garbage collection for several days until assistance was given by New York City, Yonkers and the State of New York. “Mount Vernon’s citizens are suffering as the city resolves longstanding issues over the funding of its services, and this administration is stepping in to ensure government continues to function,” Governor Cuomo said. “State agencies will deploy trucks to Mount Vernon to make sure the city is able to keep the streets clean and collect its trash for the next two weeks. Residents and their families deserve better, and I am hopeful that this situation is resolved as soon as possible.”
Mount Vernon Mayor Shawyn Patterson-Howard said, “On behalf of the residents of Mount Vernon we are grateful to the state for stepping in to provide emergency assistance in maintaining the public health of our community. Local government services have been drastically impacted due to fiscal mismanagement on behalf of our elected comptroller. I agree with Governor Cuomo that Mount Vernon residents deserve better and we appreciate his assistance and look forward to a permanent solution with our garbage collection.”
Reynolds has denied any blame for the crisis, blaming Mayor Patterson-Howard for “holding back checks and payments in her office.” “She (Patterson-Howard) lies on the news blaming others. It shows that Mt. Vernon needs a responsible Mayor who can do the job,” Reynolds added in a long Facebook video that the Mayor was spreading “false news” and called the attacks against her “defamation.” But Reynolds may have herself defamed Mayor Patterson-Howard when she accused her of “misappropriating” city money and spending funds elsewhere on raises for Commissioners, calling it a “recipe for disaster.”
Most believe that Reynolds is to blame. Patterson-Howard has called for the arrest of the Comptroller. “If she refuses to utilize the city funds to pay for emergency service vehicles then I would expect any law-enforcement agency in the state of New York to execute their powers to the highest level of their abilities. That would be not just a dereliction of duty’s it would be criminally negligent,” says Patterson-Howard.