Below are figures from NY State concerning this years State Aid for
Yonkers, compared to last year.
Total School Aid on the Run (includes Foundation Aid, expense-based aid):
2023/24: $385,461,488
2024/25: $413,951,215
Increase: $28,489,727, 7.4% increase year-over-year
Foundation Aid (unrestricted school aid aid):
2023/24: $262,748,946
2024/25: $284,521,842
Increase: $21,772,896, 8.3% increase year-over-year
Yonkers AIM
2023/24: $108,215,479
2024/25: $113,215,479
Increase: $5,000,000, 4.62%
Despite the increases in State Aid and the $5 Million contribution in Foundation Aid going to YPS, there remains a large budget hole that the new Superintendent, Dr. Anibal Soler Jr. will have to work to close with the Board of Education. The loss of $33 Million in Federal COVID funds for the school district, now puts the staff and programs that the city used the Federal funds for, on the table for possible cuts.
Also look for parents, students and teachers to call on the City Council to increase City funding to YPS this year. But with a 5.5% propert tax increase already too high for some on the council, it will difficult to get additonal funds from the City.
Mayor Spano made two interesting observations. YPS enrollment has declined by 10%, 2,400 students, and there has been an increase in special education students.
All of this makes for a challenging budget, especially for YPS