Mayor Spano Presents Joe Cianciulli With Key to the City for 53 Years of Service to Yonkers

Mayor Mike Spano presents the Key to the City of Yonkers to Joe Cianciulli

One of Yonkers legendary figures and longest serving public officials, retired this week (Aug 2022) after serving the City as the Chairman of the Yonkers Zoning Board of Appeals for 53 years. Yes folks, that is not a error, Joe gave a half century to the City that he loves.

Here are some highlights from Joe Cianciulli’s long-lasting career: Under his leadership, the ZBA has handled 3500+ cases from all sections of Yonkers Joe helped bring back a remnant of steel to Yonkers from the 9/11 World Trade Center which is now part of our “Yonkers World Trade Center Steel Monument”at Conor Park Joe Donated “AJ” the Police Dog to the Yonkers Police Department K-9 Unit
and donated Crane Equipment and Labor to the City of Yonkers. And every year, Joe helps errect the Christmas Tree in Getty Square.

“Joe’s 53-year career as a member of the Yonkers Zoning Board of Appeals is part of the many reasons Yonkers has become what it is today. Congratulations on your retirement Joe. Your extreme generosity, tenacity and long-standing commitment to this city makes you a true Yonkers icon,” said Mayor Mike Spano.

City Councilman Mike Breen said, “Congratulations on Chairman Joseph Cianciulli’s retirement from the Zoning Board of Appeals. After over 50 years of serving the City of Yonkers, I was honored to be at the final meeting Joe presided over. To my friend Joe, thank you for dedicating such a significant part of your life to the City we love. I wish you nothing but health and happiness.”

Thanks for your service, Mr. Chairman!