Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins: 1.8 Million New Yorkers Who Claimed Empire State Child Tax to Receive One-Time Supplemental Payment of up to $330

$350 Million Program to Give $330 Maximum Payment to Low-Middle Income Families

New York State Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins says Westchester families who have claimed the Empire State Child Tax Credit will automatically receive a one-time supplemental payment from the Tax Department starting August 1.

Governor Kathy Hochul announced New York State is delivering approximately $350 million in supplemental payments to low- and moderate-income families statewide through the Empire State Child Credit program. More than 1 million families will receive this financial assistance without any need to apply, as each eligible family will receive a direct payment of up to $330 per child.

“We’re putting money back in the pockets of more than a million New Yorkers because this administration delivers for working families,” Governor Hochul said. “Our work is far from over. From expanding tax credits to increasing access to child care assistance, I’ll never stop fighting to address the cost of living for working parents and help them create a brighter future for their kids.”

“This one-time supplemental payment under the Empire State Child Tax Credit Program comes at a vital time as many are struggling with the high cost of living, and will make a difference for so many families here in Westchester and across New York State,” Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins said.

In this year’s state budget, Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins fought hard to secure $350 million for the Supplemental Empire State Child Credit, which will help approximately 1.8 million New Yorkers.

Sen. Stewart-Cousins also highlighted the launch of the New York State Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) Digital Portal, a significant step forward in making child care more accessible and affordable for families in Westchester County and across the state. CCAP currently serves approximately 100,000 families statewide, with hundreds of thousands more potentially eligible. With this new portal, families in Westchester County and beyond can determine their eligibility and apply for assistance quickly and efficiently. 

The CCAP Digital Portal is part of a historic $1.8 billion investment in child care services secured in the state budget – an increase of $754.4 million over last year’s budget. CCAP is designed to support working families whose household income is at or below 85 percent of the State Median Income, which is approximately $108,000 for a family of four. The CCAP subsidy covers at least 90 percent of weekly market rate child care costs for most eligible families, meaning many families of four will pay no more than $15 per week for high-quality child care.

“The launch of the CCAP Digital Portal underscores the state’s commitment to addressing the child care needs of its residents and providing the tools necessary for families to thrive. I extend my gratitude to Governor Hochul, Assembly Speaker Heastie, my Senate colleagues and all of our legislative partners in the Assembly for their partnership,” said Sen. Stewart-Cousins.  “I encourage families across my district to utilize this new resource.”