By Frank Pagani
Come then, you and I,
let us stroll through waste and ruin
and behold this lunar eclipse.
In the eerie calm and shadows,
can you still hear the distant cry
of dinosaurs when the skies
belched flames and ashes?
Do you recall Shakespeare’s warning,
how perhaps these late eclipses
do not augur well for our time?
Even the frogs are dropping like flies
according to the Science Times.
Do you suppose the end is near
like the drunk kept warning
in Hitchcock’s The Birds but no one paid
him any mind, even Tippi
because she was trying to warn
the driver not to light his cigarette
by the leaking gas pump and we watched
speechless through her eyes,
the flame racing, the wings beating terror over
the whole town as the pump exploded
and no one was safe anymore, anywhere.
In the eerie calm and shadows,
can you hear how the wind picks up
just beyond those hills where doors
shut against the moon?
Come then, you and I, let us stay
a while longer before the storm
rages and behold the earth’s shadow
depart the Sea of Tranquility
where we sent a rocket not so
long ago, thinking we could master
our destiny.
Frank Pagani is owner of Pagani PR, a strategic public relations and marketing consultancy based in Ardsley, and a published poet.