Letter to the Editor: Biden’s War on Fossil Fuels

By Joe Pettit, Yorktown

Fossil fuels have been around, according to scientific studies, for millions of years, and they are responsible for maintaining our very existence, if they were so harmful to our atmosphere, by now we should be gagging and slowly expiring-instead, we are extremely healthy, and with the help of trees and plants, our oxygen levels are normal.

Biden’s war on one of these fuels- is Gasoline.

His plan of attack is simple-stop all production of this fuel in this country- import gasoline from enemy countries –Iran, in particular, until he can influence the general public to “buy into his “EV” scheme ,
purchasing “EV’s” and, gradually forcing auto manufacturers to slowly eliminate gas powered vehicles, until the public is 100% sold on owning these vehicles—then, stop all gasoline purchases from foreign markets, and Presto!-we are all electric!

However, he fails to understand that fossil fuels are plentiful, reliable, and CHEAP!

Biden’s other fancy is focused on (A)-Solar energy, and (B)-Wind,

They are expensive and intermediate and have some drawbacks as well.

In order to increase the affluence of a society, we must have more energy (no matter where it comes from), China & India at this moment, are building hundreds of coal burning power plants.

From 1980 to 2020, fossil fuel energy has increased 80 percent, despite the fact that countries have spent millions on solar and windmills, and atmospheric Co2’ has increased 25 %, but climate related deaths decreased 98 %. To believe that Co’2 is the sole controlling factor is incorrect. Cheap, plentiful energy benefits those in poorer circumstances, rather those “in the upper classes.”

More Co’2 in our atmosphere delivers and spurs more plant growth, such as corn, wheat, soybeans, etc.
Fossil fuels are abundant in this country, and to eliminate them would be a catastrophic mistake!

Joe Pettit, Yorktown