Russia devotes millions of dollars in trying to influence Americans in social networks. What are Russia’s goals? What messages has Moscow sent us about our presidential election, U.S. racial unrest and the COVID pandemic? Join The Woman’s Club of Larchmont, Inc. Zoom program with Thomas Kent on Friday, October 16, at 1:30 pm.
Thomas Kent is a specialist on international reporting and Russian media. Until September 2018 he was President and CEO of Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty, a congressionally funded corporation providing news to the former Soviet Union, the Balkans, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan, in 25 languages. He is a senior fellow of the Jamestown Foundation and he teaches about propaganda, the geopolitics of information, and Russian media at Columbia University’s Harriman Institute. He also consults for media, NGO and government organizations.
To join this live online program through Zoom, request an invite by sending your email address to: WCL10538@gmail.com For more information regarding The Club and membership please contact Sheelah Mohan sheelahevmohan@aol.com