Lara Logan Banned from Newsmax….and The Mainstream Media

By Dan Murphy

Former 60 Minutes News host Lara Logan has been banned from Newsmax, the last media outlet to continue to put her on the air, after a strange rant about globalism and migrants crossing the border into the US on the Eric Bolling show.

“It’s really interesting because we live in a moment where you can see all over the place that this administration is desperate to incite some kind of event. Incite people to act that will prove the lie of white terrorism and white supremacy in America today and give them an excuse to crack down. They need a Reichstag fire,” said Logan.

Bolling said, “Meanwhile, these people are coming in freeloading, so you divide the population, and then you conquer them. Then you get them to agree, get your side to agree, to give these people voting rights. Then you never, ever, see a conservative holding office again.”

“And you’re 100 percent right, Eric, but you know what? It’s even bigger than that. Because I spoke to a man who was actually holding the documents in his hand. He told me about it, right? He said he infiltrated the global cabal at the U.N. level, right? And one of the things that he was able to tell me about, from his own personal experience, what he witnessed himself was these documents that showed the time there is a plan, and this was several years ago.”

Logan continues, “The plan was to infiltrate 100 million illegal immigrants, and at that point, there were already 40 million, and these people would dilute what they called the pool of patriots. Their words, right? And they would not be taught that America is a great country and trained to sing the national anthem with pride, and so on and so on. They would be taught all the negative things that we’re told about the U.S. today that our own children are taught.”

“God believes in sovereignty, a national identity, of the sanctity of family and all the things that we’ve lived with from the beginning of time. And he knows that the open border is Satan’s way of taking control of the world through all of these are people who are stooges and his servants.”

Logan concluded: “And they may think that they’re going to become gods; that’s what they tell us. You know Harari and all the rest of them at the World Economic Forum? You know, the ones who want us eating insects, cockroaches and that, while they dine on the blood of children? Those are the people, right? They’re not gonna win!”

After the interview, Newsmax issued the following statement: “Newsmax condemns in the strongest terms the reprehensible statements made by Lara Logan and her views do not reflect our network,” Newsmax said in a statement to the Daily Beast. “We have no plans to interview her again.”

Logan was cancelled by Fox News last year. The War Room, with Steve Bannon and One America News, two other far right news sources, might still be landing spots for Logan.