Mike Breen
City Councilman and Minority Leader Mike Breen issued the following statement after all of the votes were counted from the republican primary for council in the 5th district. Breen defeated Ron Schutte by 13 votes.
“Today the Board of Elections completed the recount for the Yonkers City Council 5th District and it was confirmed that we won.
“I received a call from my opponent congratulating me on our victory in the Republican Primary and I thank him for his words of encouragement.
“With no opponent in the upcoming General Election, I am excited that I will have the opportunity to continue the work I have been committed to over my time in office.
“I, once again, want to thank my wife Patty, our children and grandchildren for all of their support. Our team of volunteers, the Breen Team, worked tirelessly to spread the word of our campaign. I have been humbled by the leadership of the Republican & Conservative Parties as well as many local labor unions. Without all of these people committed to good government, and not partisan politics, we could not be victorious.
“I thank you for your trust and commit to continuing to focus on those issues most important to you,” stated Councilman Breen, who also serves as the City Council Minority Leader