15 Teenagers Went Missing in NY In March and 3 Were in Westchester
By: Dennis Richmond, Jr.
I don’t care who gets offended when I write articles, respectfully. Black and Latinx teenagers are missing in New York almost every week, and there’s no outcry. According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, three teenagers went missing in Westchester County, New York last month. I don’t know why these teenagers are missing, but these cases need serious attention. Everybody needs to do their part to help find every missing person.
There are stories across the internet about people kidnapping for organ harvesting and sex trafficking. We need our teenagers found immediately. Teenagers across America go missing for different reasons. Sometimes people run away from home. Other times, people are abducted and are held, hostage.
I wrote a popular article on October 20th, 2021. The article is titled “77 BLACK & HISPANIC TEENS MISSING IN NEW YORK.” After thousands of people saw it, I’ve gotten messages and read comments from people across social media. One person claimed to have a connection to one teenager mentioned in the article.
I faced possible legal action for even referencing the person. Why would somebody be mad that I was helping find a missing teenager? If the person was not missing, then once again, I apologize to the family. If the person is still missing, what if somebody wants me to remain quiet? We live in a sick, crazy, disgusting world.
Last year, Yonkers Rising and YonkersTimes.Com began an effort to highlight recent missing children in Westchester and report to our readers. We do this so someone will see something and say something. If anyone wants to support this effort, please email us at news@yonkerstimes.com.
Dennis Richmond, Jr., is a Yonkers Rising reporter covering the Black, Latinx, and LGBTQ+ Community. He is the Author of He Spoke at My School: An Educational Journey. Follow him on Twitter and Instagram at @NewYorkStakz.