The Board of Directors at Gilda’s Club Westchester is pleased to announce the appointment of Julia Schwartz-Leeper as the new Executive Director. Julia is a seasoned Executive with experience in all aspects of running a non-profit agency and is passionate about working together with other organizations, to improve the lives of people in their communities. Julia most recently served as President/CEO for Meals on Wheels in Rockland County.
Like so many of us, Cancer has profoundly affected her family growing up and she is passionate about the Community that Gilda’s Club provides to families and people experiencing Cancer. “I appreciate the board’s confidence in me, and I’m delighted to have the opportunity to work with such a talented and passionate staff. After many months of remote only programming, we at Gilda’s Club Westchester are excited to welcome our members back in person and expanding our program offerings.”
Julia has earned a BA in Psychology from the University of Colorado and an MSW from Columbia University. Julia has been practicing and teaching Yoga and Meditation for several decades. In her free time, she loves hiking and just being outdoors in nature, especially with her puppy, Pearl. She has lived in and worked Westchester for many years.
The mission of Gilda’s Club Westchester is to ensure that all people impacted by cancer are empowered by knowledge, strengthened by action and sustained by community. Gilda’s Club Westchester provides individual counseling, support groups, workshops, education and social activities all FREE of charge. Their innovative programs are an essential complement to medical care, providing individual counseling, support groups, workshops, education and social activities.