Former Yonkers Councilman John Larkin Endorses Alessandro Crocco for Assembly-92nd District

By Dan Murphy

Former Yonkers City Councilman John Larkin has endorsed Alessandro Crocco for Assembly in the 92nd District, which includes parts of Northwest Yonkers, Greenburgh, and Mt. Pleasant. Democrat Assemblywoman MaryJane Shimsky currently holds the seat, but Crocco is running an active campaign, and voters are taking notice.

And now comes an endorsement from one of the most popular former elected officials in Yonkers, John Larkin, who writes, “This year is a critical one for all of us here in Yonkers. I hope you will take a few moments to read this letter from me as your former Councilman about why I am voting to elect Alessandro Crocco as our Assemblyman in Albany to represent our area of Yonkers.

“I can tell you first-hand that being an elected official is not an easy job. That’s why I am asking that you consider Alessandro Crocco to be our voice in Albany. His resume speaks to his international business experience, his community engagement, and his non-profit leadership.

“With our section of Yonkers being carved out of the City of Yonkers and placed in an assembly district with Greenburgh, Alessandro has committed to ensuring our voice in Yonkers is heard in Albany. He is a newcomer to the political scene and is running for all the right reasons. We need a change in Albany as the status quo is not working for the people of Yonkers.

“Alessandro will fight to make New York safer by ensuring our police forces are well-funded, will advocate for comprehensive review and reform of our tax system, push for the ending of sanctuary laws which is costing us billions of dollars in tax payer money.

Let’s elect someone who will always put the good of the taxpayers over politics. Someone who puts our best interests first! For me — that is Alessandro Crocco!

Crocco thanked Larkin for the endorsement. “John Larkin’s legacy of bipartisan collaboration to achieve tangible results for the people of Yonkers resonates deeply with my commitment to serving in the Assembly. His support underscores our shared vision of leadership that bridges divides and focuses on practical solutions.”

Crocco has also promised to work on the education funding formula that shortchanges the Yonkers Public Schools. “Schools in Greenburgh, Mount Pleasant, and Yonkers are being shortchanged by the New York State budget. Based on Westchester County’s perceived wealth, our schools do not receive the funding they deserve. As your Assemblyman, I will demand a fair funding formula that ensures our schools receive the resources they need to provide the academic excellence our children deserve. It’s time to ensure every student in our district has the best possible opportunities to succeed.”

Yonkers has three Assembly districts running across the City. The primary district is the 90th District, which has a competitive race between democrat Assemblyman Nader Sayegh and republican John Isaac. The other small part of Yonkers is represented by democrat Assemblyman Gary Pretlow, 89th District.

Together with John Isaac, Alessandro Crocco has brought two Yonkers Assembly district into contested elections where voters will have a choice on Nov. 5.

The issue of secession for the village of Edgemont from the Town of Greenburgh is another hot-button issue that Crocco is campaigning on. And the Town of Mt. Pleasant leans republican.

Are voters concerned enough to flip two Assembly seats in Yonkers to Republicans? Crocco and Isaac are hoping the answer is yes and are campaigning hard.

Learn more about his campaign at