Former Mayor Phil Amicone Says “We Need John Isaac Now!” in the Assembly

Assembly candidate John Isaac with former Mayor Phil Amicone

By Dan Murphy

Former Yonkers Mayor Phil Amicone endorsed the candidacy of John Isaac, Assembly candidate in the 90th District of Yonkers. Mayor Amicone served two terms as Yonkers Mayor from 2004-2011. He was elected in 2003 and reelected in 2007.

Isaac is challenging Democratic Assemblyman Nader Sayegh in the 90th Assembly District, in a race that some are calling too close to call. Mayor Amicone’s endorsement is the biggest to date, and Amicone’s continued popularity in Yonkers will certainly help the Isaac campaign.

I love Yonkers. I love her for all she is, and it was with great honor and humility that I served as mayor of our great city. I will forever be grateful to my friends and neighbors who trusted me with their votes to elect me. In recent years, like so many of you, I have been very concerned about the state of affairs in and around Yonkers politics.

There are so many insiders, so much nepotism, so many closed doors allowing little daylight or transparency. This is a disconcerting situation. Now more than ever, we need a fresh voice, a new face, and some grace to balance our current slate of elected officials.

This is why, with great confidence, I enthusiastically endorse John Isaac to be the next assemblyman representing Yonkers in the 90th district. John is a family man, a humble and kind man of faith. John is also wise, a self-made successful business owner who came from India as a legal immigrant in pursuit of the American dream.

John will be a voice of common sense in the one-party vacuum of the assembly. He will always do what is best for Yonkers families, and he will NOT reflexively rubber-stamp every whim of Governor Hochul and radical New York City special interests.

At the same time, John Isaac is not an idealogue. John will work across the aisle with anyone, regardless of party, to get the job done. What a refreshing concept! Working with colleagues, rather than bullying opponents!

My friends, we need John Isaac now,” said Mayor Amicone.