Hope Community Services received a boost to their pantry thanks to the January 18, 2021, food drive sponsored by The Woman’s Club of Larchmont, Inc. Members and non-members, (who had read about it on social media) donated generously, contributing over 600 items along with additional monetary donations.
Upon delivery to Hope in New Rochelle, Sister Mary and her assistant expressed their gratitude and mentioned how the number of families needing food has continued to increase over the past few months. The Club’s continued support of donated items were very much appreciated once again.
Thanks to members of The Woman’s Club of Larchmont who participated including Camille M. Odierna, Ann Sheridan, Sarah Anna Jonas, Anne-Mieke Smeets, Sheelah Mohan, Lorraine Stratis, Dorothy Krauss Rainier, Zsuzsanna Baan-Jonas.