By Dan Murphy
Circuses have entertained American audiences for over 200 years. A new circus has popped up in Westchester, at the Cross County Center in Yonkers called FLIP Circus, with performances through May 2. World-class clowns, acrobats, jugglers and daredevils display their talents right in front of an audience that is 50 feet or less from the action. And there are no animal performances.
Performers from around the world are a part of FLIP Circus, including the 16 member Bingo Troupe, direct from Kyiv, Ukraine. And as the war rages on in her country, we spoke to dancer Anastasiia Savych about her experiences in her home country, and her path to Yonkers.
Anastassia, 20, worked in a circus in the United States two years ago, and was invited to perform in the FLIP Circus’ 2022 tour of the country. She planned on coming to the US at the end of March, but in February Vladim Putin and Russia changed the plans of millions of Ukrainians.
“I heard the first attack at the airport 15 minutes from my house. People started leaving the country and I left because I was coming back to America to perform in the FLIP Circus,” said Anastassia, who lives in Kyiv. “It was very sad at the train station going into Poland. There were thousands of us trying to get on the trains, crying. There wasn’t enough room for everyone.”
She took a train to Western Ukraine and was one of millions of Ukrainians fleeing their country into Poland. In Poland, Anastassia was able to get on a plane from Poland and come to New York City on March 23. FLIP Circus performances began in NYC Staten Island before moving on to Yonkers-Cross County with their first Westchester performance on April 15.
Almost all of Anastasiia’s family is still in Kiev. “I spoke to my father last week. He has a positive attitude but he can’t leave because of the war. But I am worried about my family. I’m confused that in the 21st Century we can still see this type of war and bombing of civilians. With all of the democracies around us. I’m hoping we can put an end to it.”
Like most of the world, Anastasiia thinks Ukrainian President Zelensky, “is great. He is a legend in my country because he is a true person and he is fighting for our country.”
She adds that when people come up and ask if she is Russian, she says no. “I’m not Russian we have a totally different mentality. In Ukraine, we are all brothers and sisters, like our President.”
Peformers in FLIP Circus come from across the world, including Argentina, Italy, Brazil and Mexico. “I love the circus because it makes people happy and I’m proud to be a part of this happiness.” Anastaiisa will be touring with FLIP Circus until November. “We like to keep it positive and hope for a better future.”
FLIP Circus will be at the Cross County Center in Yonkers through May 2. For tickets and additional information, please visit www.FlipCircus.com. Tickets start at $25.00 (children) and $40.00 (adults) with senior/military/handicap discounts available.
FLIP Circus cast and crew adheres to all national, state and city COVID-19 guidelines and has put in place numerous measures inside and outside their tent to ensure compliance and the safety of all. If you attend, look for Anatasiia and her Bingo Troupe.